baby, I'm yours

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She walked into the common room and saw her friends gathered in front of the fireplace. She saw Pansy sitting on the couch and her face saw fixed. Except her nose. It had a cut which Madam Pomfrey must've stitched. They all waited for her to sit down with them but she walked past them.

"Don't walk past us like we're invisible, Ayla! Get back here!" She heard Mattheo yell as she reached the stairs. She paused. "Come on. We've been waiting for you!"

"why?" She asked walking back towards them. "What do you want?"

"Pansy wants to talk to you." Draco said. Ayla laughed.

"Of course, she does." She replied. "Well, go on. I'd like to hear what the fake bitch wants to say." She said taking a seat next to Mattheo and Vi.

"Ayla, what I said was unacceptable and I can't believe I even said those awful words. I shouldn't have said that. It was really immature of me." Pansy said.

M: Very well rehearsed! I almost fell for it.

"So, you're apologizing?" Ayla questioned.

"Yes. I'm sorry." Pansy stated.

"Okay. I don't forgive you." Draco groaned in annoyance.

"She apologised! For fuck sake, Ayla!! Why must you be so stubborn and difficult?" Her cousin yelled.

"She doesn't have to accept Pansy's apology. That's not up to you to decide." Mattheo argued back.

M: Boyfriend to the rescue!

L: Still not dating.

M: They will soon enough.

B: Shut up!!

"Are you just going to let your boyfriend speak for you?" Draco asked. "Or do you have some snarky comment like you always do?"

"Boyfriend?" Ayla questioned. "Seriously, Draco. And by the way, he's right! I don't need to accept her apology. Not after what she said."

"She said sorry and she means it!"

"She also said, my mum deserved to die!" Everyone was quiet. Ayla felt Mattheo reach for her hand. "Did she mean that too?!"

"Ayla." Viola said sadly. She reached for Ayla's hand but Ayla moved it.

"No! I just want to make one thing fucking clear, I don't give a shit about what you say about me but leave my family's name out of your mouth!!" Ayla exclaimed.

"Ayla, I'm your friend." Pansy said.

"Not anymore." Ayla stormed to her room as everyone watched her. Mattheo watched her walk up the stairs then looked back to Draco and Pansy.

"Why is it you two constantly want to piss her off?" He asked before chasing after her.


Mattheo entered Ayla's room as saw her on her bed. She had her back faced towards him.

"What do you want, Mattheo?" Ayla asked. He frowned.

"How'd you know I was here?" He asked. She sat up and turned towards him.

"You always chase after me after an argument. Now, what do you want?"

"Came to see if you were okay."


"Because I care about you. Is that so hard to believe?" She smiled.

"no." she tried to say but it only came out as a whisper. A whisper he heard.

M: my's melting

"So, are you okay?" He asked sitting next to her.

"I don't know. My cousin hates me. Pansy is a two-faced bitch and I feel like punching into her face again. Snape got into my dad's head about being a father and all that bullshit so I don't really know how I feel."

"Don't worry about them. Take some time for yourself. You need to relax sometimes." He said.

"I can't wait for the weekend." Ayla said.

"Why?"  He asked confused. He turned towards her.

"Because I get to spend it with you." She moved her body closer and laid her head on his chest. Mattheo hoped she wouldn't acknowledge his heart beating faster. But she did. She did notice.

"Oh really?" He teased. His face wearing his signature smirk trying to find the fact he's nervous around the girl.

"Don't make me take it back." He smiled and faced down to her.

"Words already out, love. You can't take them back."

"I hate you." She muttered.

"You love me." He replied.

"I know." She yawns. Mattheo looks taken back. Did she just say that?



"You love me?" This time it seemed more like a question.

"Of course, I do." She states. Mattheo stares at her waiting for the trick. Waiting for her to call him her friend. Waiting for her to try correct herself and say she didn't mean it like that. "I've always loved you." Ayla saw he was caught off guard. He didn't expect that.


L: oh my god. oh my god. oh my god. OH MY GOD!!

B: Don't fuck this up, Ayla

D: Don't jinx her!!

M: SHUSHHHH!!! The suspense is killing

"What?" She asked if she did something wrong. Before luring her in for a kiss, he grasped her under the chin. He ran his hand along her curves. Those hips. Back into her shirt. The kiss intensified, and he drew her closer. His hair became caught between her fingers. The back of his neck was reached with her other hand. Then a scream from the door. They looked over to see a traumatised Blaise whose pointing at them with fear in his eyes.

"Ayla noooo." He weeped as he hugged Lorenzo. Viola shot Ayla a wink before closing the door. They looked back at each other and laughed.

"Blaise's going to kill me." Mattheo said.

"I wouldn't worry about Blaise." Ayla replied. "You're lucky he's pissed off at Draco and scared of my dad."

"If my last moments were a kiss from you, death doesn't seem that scary after all."

M+B+D+L: *screaming in excitement and in awe*

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