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Ayla was sitting in her bed late that night while her friends dozed off to sleep. She sat thinking about what Blaise and Viola said in the common room earlier that day. Her thoughts filled her head and she couldn't sleep.
She went down to the common room and found the book she was reading earlier that day. She was all alone. And she liked it like that sometimes. She liked the peace and quiet of the common room. The small coals in the fire light the room dimly. She felt the body of someone sit next to her. She didn't see who because she was too interested in the plot twist coming up into the story. 

"No way, it was the sister." A very familiar voice gasped. She closed the book and looked at the boy next to her. Mattheo Riddle. He smiled at the girl while she had a slightly annoyed and blank expression on her face.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I couldn't sleep and I saw you reading so I came to, I guess, annoy you. What about you?" He said. She rolled her eyes and got up to leave. 

"Same as you." She answered putting the book back on the shelf and was about the walk back to her dorm. She heard the boy sigh and stopped in the tracks.

"Thanks." She said. He looked behind confused and stared at the girl.

"For what?" He questioned. What did I do? He thought.

"For the chocolates and the rose. It was nice." She said walking up the stairs to her dorm. He watched at the girl walked up the stairs and smiled. She liked them! He thought.

"Pansy, you goddamn genius." He muttered. His moment was ruined by the head boy and head girl for Slytherin running in screaming for everyone to wake up and head to the great hall. Mattheo waited for his friends and headed down with them. Enzo has his arm wrapped around Viola's shoulder and Draco's around Pansy's. Ayla and Mattheo were wide awake. They walked next to each other as the rest of their friends dawdled behind. Blaise threw himself onto Ayla and Mattheo and they basically dragged him to the great hall because he was that tired.

"You know, you two would make a cute couple." Blaise muttered tiredly. Ayla let go of Blaise making him drop on the floor at his words. Ayla walked into the great hall leaving Mattheo and Tom to carry Blaise instead. 


J: That's funny.

L: She just dropped him on the floor

They were given equipment to sleep on but Ayla was stopped from entering the great hall by McGonagall and Snape.

"Miss Black, you need to come with us, unfortunately." McGonagall informed the girl and took her to Dumbledore's office. All her friends were confused but were too tired to care except for Mattheo. He was worried on what was going on. He figured out it was probably about her father which made him more worried. 
As Ayla sat in Dumbledore's office feeling slightly drowsy. The headmaster entered the room with her godfather, Snape and McGonagall.

"Ayla, are you okay?" Remus asked rushing over to his tired goddaughter.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What's going on?" she asked.

"Your psychotic father broke into Hogwarts. Any clue how he could've done that?" Snape asked.

B: Does he seriously think Ayla had anything to do with this?

J: Looks like it

M: bastard.

"Woah. Woah. You're just gonna blame Ayla? She doesn't even know what's going on? Who the fuck do you think you are?" Remus yelled. Ayla's eyed widen when her godfather swore. Uncle Moony just swore at Snape! She thought. She bit into her bottom lip to prevent her from laughing.

"Professor Lupin, language, please!" Minnie yelled at the teacher.

"yeah, uncle Moony, language." She muttered. He looked at the girl who put her hands up in defence.

"I'm sorry Lupin but who would have let Black in other than his daughter? You?" Snape insisted.

"My god, do you have anything better to do in your life? Or do you just make it your life's purpose to try ruin other people's lives? Are you seriously that lonely and bored?" Ayla questioned the professor.

"What did you just say?" He asked thinking the girl was intimidated by him.

"I said, are you really the bored in your life that you have try ruin everyone else's? It's really depressing, that you're all alone and kinda useless in life."


B: I don't know if I feel bad for Snape or if I feel proud for Ayla

J+M: Definitely, proud

"Who do you think you are?" Snape growled.

"I'm Ayla Black. Not so much a pleasure to meet you." She said smiled to the professor.

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