Greengrass more like pain in the ass

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The next day, the girls got woken up by Astoria coming in their room at 6am.

"GET UP!! QUIDDITCH STARTS IN 3 HOURS!!!" She screamed. Pansy fell out her bed and landed on the floor. Viola looked pissed. Ayla glared at Astoria. The girl shrugged. "What, Ayla?"

"It is 6 in the GODDAMN MORNING!!! FUCK OFF!!!" She yelled. Astoria gulped at Ayla's anger. Ayla took a deep breath and got up and walked towards the girl. "Get the fuck out!" Then the girl ran out.

L: Don't blame her. I'd do the same.

B: If anyone disturbed my sleep, you're dead.

"Thank Merlin for Ayla Black." Pansy mumbled. Viola yawned. Ayla grabbed a small throw blanket and threw it around her and walked out the room. Pansy and Viola didn't care they just went back to sleep. Ayla walked down the corridor and walked into the boys corridor. She opened her cousin's dorm door to see all the quidditch players getting ready for their upcoming game. They all turned to look at Ayla and saw how tired she was.

"Godrick, Ayla, you look like shit!" Draco exclaimed. She rolled her eyes and yawned for the millionth time.

"Gee thanks. I'm doing a project where I dress like you for a week. Glad to see, it's working." She said. The boys laughed at Ayla's joke. She walked over to Blaise's bed and  laid down, slowly falling back to sleep.

"Woah! What is fuck is Black doing here?" Enzo exclaimed receiving shushes from Mattheo, Blaise and Draco. Tom chuckled.

"Enzo, shut up!" Ayla said.

"yes, ma'am." He whispered. She laid comfortably and peacefully. None of the boys did anything to disturb her. It was currently 8am. All the boys left for breakfast leaving Mattheo in the room with Ayla. He had finished his shower and was wrapped in only a towel. He observed the sleeping beauty. He smiled and started to change into his uniform. Ayla moved her body into a comfier sleeping position. He looked back over and saw her back towards him. He had got fully dressed and finished styling his hair. He was about to leave the room before he looked back at Ayla. He walked over to her and sat on the other side of the bed. He shook her shoulder.

"Oi, Ayla. Wake up." He whispered. She groaned and rolled over and her other side.

"Go away." She said.

"Ayla, we've got a quidditch game." She opened her eyes and looked at the boy.

"Correction, you have a quidditch game. Not me." 

"Not even gonna come for moral support?"

"I will from my bed."

"Correction, this is Blaise's bed."

"Same thing."

"Not really."

"I don't care but good luck, you're probably gonna need it."

"And why's that?"

"Draco is a horrible seeker. Need I say less." He laughed and kissed her forehead.

"See you after the game." Then he left.

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