She knows..

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Ron grabbed his rat and Hermione grabbed her cat. Harry and Ayla just watched them argue until Ayla saw the rat. It looked right back at her and she frowned. The rat got really scared and started worming around in Ron's hand.

"Hey Ron." She asked. He looked at her. "Do you mind if I see your pet there?" He walked over ot her and the rat got got squeamish.
Once it she got hold of the rat, it bit her finger. She dropped it and saw a toe missing on one of its feet. She grew more suspicious about this Peter Pettigrew person.

"What are you doing here, Black?" Granger asked.

"Hermione, you knew I was bringing her here." Harry said.

"I think I'll just go. I don't wanna deal with Granger's bullshit." Ayla said walking towards the painting. She heard Hermione yelling at her but she couldn't care less. She walked back down to her uncle's office and demanded she knows answers.

"Uncle Moony, we need to talk. It's important." He looked at her confused.

"Who told you that nickname?" He asked.

"Not the point-"

"Yes, Ayla that is the point. Who told you about the nickname?"

"No one. Which is why that's not the point." He sighed.

"Yes, my dearest goddaughter."

"Who's Peter Pettigrew?" Remus froze.

"How do you know about Pete?"

"So you knew him?"

"I went to school with him." She whipped out the photo of the Marauders and placed it on his desk.

"Seems like you two were friends."

"We were."


J: Yeah, the bastard betrayed us.

L: James!!

"Sirius killed him. Along with the 12 muggles on the street that day."

"My dad didn't kill anyone. How could you possibly believe that?"

J: YESSS She believes him!!

D: Of course she does.

"Ayla, I know your father more than you do."

"Then you would know him enough to know he would rather die than betray his friends." Remus looked confused at Ayla's changed heart. He hated her dad now she's defending him.

"Ayla, you haven't seen your dad, have you?"

"No." She sounded very unconvincing. "Well, look at the time. I gotta go to my dorm. Got some studying to do. So, I'll see ya." She left his office as fast as she could.

"Ayla!!" He sighed. He looked at the picture and slightly smiled. "Maybe, she's right Prongs or am I just going mad?"

J: She's 100% correct, Moony

"You're right. I'm going insane."

J: I did not say that.

M: Come on, Lupin. You're better than this

J: Yeah, Moony. Believe your goddaughter. Still can't believe it wasn't me

Brooke: Come on, James. You knew I was closer to Remus.

J: It that.....

D+L+M: Brooke?

Author's note: 
Brooke is Ayla's mum. I made her up okay....

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