Hufflepuff vs Slytherin

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It was 11am. Ayla eventually made it to the quidditch game and they were still playing.

"So, you're telling me he kissed you and then left." Pansy said.

"Well, he didn't kiss me. Well, kind of but not really." Ayla said.

"Ayla, he kissed you. Don't try to deny it." Viola said.

"Who kissed who?" Astoria asked.

"None of your business."

"Ayla, come on. We're all friends here. Tell me!"

"No." Astoria rolled her eyes but let it go. She cheered on her team and was screaming out to Draco. Pansy gave her a dirty-look which made Ayla and Viola laugh. Ayla noticed Cedric and. Draco fighting for the snitch. Ayla was on the edge of her seat looking at the two boys. She didn't even notice the fact that one of her friends had fallen of his broom.

"and it looks like Diggory and Malfoy are fighting for the snitch and oof looks like Berkshire is fighting for his life to not fall off that broom." Lee Jordan commentated. Ayla, Pansy and Viola all looked over to see Enzo holding onto his broom. The Hufflepuff beaters kept hitting bludgers at him making it harder to get back up. Ayla and the girls ran down to edge of the stands.

"Come on, Enzo you can do this! Just get back up." Vi said.

"V, he has bludgers flying at him from all kinds of directions, it looks fucking difficult." Pansy said.

"Isn't that Ivan Hamonds?" Astoria said.

"Who?" The girls asked.

"He dated my sister a while ago. She told me, he played for the team." They looked back at Enzo who was holing on for dear life.

"Someone help him!" Vi yelled but no one listened. Ayla looked at Enzo then back at Vi who was panicking.

"His name's Ivan Hamonds right?" Ayla said to Astoria. She nodded.

"I remember that face."

"Good. HAMONDS, IF YOU HIT ONE MORE BLUDGER AT HIM, I'LL GET DOWN ONTO THAT FEILD AND HIT YOU MYSELF!!!" Ayla screamed at the top of her lungs. Every Slytherin looked at her and yelled at the Beater. He rolled his eyes at the girl and flew away from Enzo. His fellow beater did the same. Enzo got back up on his broom and gave Ayla thumbs up. She smiled at the boy as he continued playing his game. None other than the Hufflepuff seeker flying up to the girls and looked at Ayla smiling.

"You're adorable when you're angry, you know that."  He said. She scoffed.

"I suppose you concentrate on finding the snitch before you give my cousin a head-start." She said.

"Yes ma'am." He said giving her a wink and flying off. Viola and Pansy squealed at Ayla.

"Whatever. I don't wanna hear it." She said to her friends.

"He clearly likes you." Pansy said.

"Shut up and concentrate on the game." She ignored her friends and observed the game. About 20-30 minutes later, Cedric caught the snitch and the game was done. Ayla and the girls went down onto the field to see the boys and how they were dealing with their loss. Ayla was cut off by someone standing in front of her. Cedric Diggory.

"Hey, you." He said.

"Hey, good job out there today. You did good." She said.

"Thanks." He said looking at the girl.


"Nothing, you're just...really pretty." She smiled and laughed.

"oh my god." she muttered.


"Nothing, just the compliments are somewhat surprising."

"Well, who wouldn't give a beautiful girl like yourself a compliment? They'd be pretty stupid not to." She smiled at Cedric's admiring words. From a few feet away, Mattheo observed the two in the middle of the field. He saw him say something that made her smile. He glared at the boy ignoring all his friends. Pansy noticed this and looked over to where he was. She smirked and walked over to Mattheo.

"You know, staring isn't gonna go much. If you really want her, do something about it. She's not just gonna come to you if you act from a distance. Do something to get her attention." She advised.

"Like what? You're her best friend."

"Sent her flowers or chocolate. She'll like it."

"What do I do about Diggory?"

"Nothing. Just outperform him and she'll forget he even existed."

"Thanks, Pansy."

"No problem."

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