You were right

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Ayla woke up to her godfather walking into his office drowsy and tired. He has fresh scars on his face then she remembered the full moon yesterday. That's why he was in a rush she thought.

"Good morning, pup." he groaned.

"Well, you look like shit." He gave her a warning glance. "Are you okay? How bad was it last night?"

"I'm fine, pup. Go get ready for class." Remus before flopping onto his bed.

"yeah no. You need help and this is what goddaughters are for."

"Ayla Estelle Black, I'm the adult and I say go to class."

"And Uncle Moony since when do I listen to adults?" She had a point and Remus hated that she did. "Exactly. I'm gonna go get stuff from Madam Promfrey, you wait here and maybe I'll get you chocolate."

"You fucking better." 

"Language, Uncle Moony!" She said leaving the room leaving Remus with a smile on his face. Remus garbed the old parchment he recognised making when he was younger.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." He muttered. He opened the parchment to see his goddaughter heading towards the hospital wing and saw a very familiar name following her. 

Peter Pettigrew.

There was no way. The map never lies. He thought of everything thinking it could make sense. You've got to be fucking joking? He thought. Of course, Ayla and Brooke were right!

J: Moony finally caught on.


"No way in fucking hell." He said. "Padfoot really is innocent."

He waited about twenty to thirty minutes for his goddaughter to arrive with the supplies. The moment she walked through the door he yelled, "How long have you known?"

"Known what?" She questioned. He held up the parchment and walked over to her.

"HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN HE WAS INNOCENT?" He screamed. Ayla flinched at her godfather's anger.

B: Do NOT yell at my daughter, Moony.

M: Prick.

"a while." She whispered. He looked at her to speak up. "I've known for a while."

"And you were never gonna tell me?" He asked. She shrugged.

"Like you would've believed me!" She scoffed.

"Ayla, this-this is serious. You know something like this, you fucking tell me!!"

"I'm sorry, okay!!" She admitted. "My whole life, people put out that my dad was a psycho! Remus, I figured out he was innocent on my own. I wanted to know that my dad was a good person other than what the put in the Daily Prophet. I wanted this whole other picture of him that people didn't see in the news. I wasn't actually sure if Pettigrew was alive. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but you would've yelled at me. Saying my dad betrayed you and Uncle James and Aunt Lily and killed Peter. My mum knew. Did you know that?"

"Brooke knew?" Ayla nodded.

"She knew. I knew. You didn't fucking believe her so why would you believe me? What would be the difference this time? He's my dad, Remus. He was your best friend. I'm sorry that for once in my life I wasn't actually ashamed of being Sirius Black's daughter."

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