seriously sirius

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Sirius pushed his daughter into his room. They sat down waiting for someone to speak. She said nothing. He said nothing. The room was filled with silence. Sirius sighed knowing he and his daughter were too stubborn to say something.

"I don't blame you for what happened.  I would've done the same thing. She said some pretty fucked up things but Snape's right." Sirius never thought he'd say out loud.

J: whoa- did the world shift or something? Am I hearing this blasphemy or am I dreaming? What the fuck is going on with you, Pads? Pull yourself together!!

B: he did not just say what we heard him say

M: Holy shit. Snape got in his head.

J: Seriously, Sirius

D: you're not funny.

J: it was a little funny.

M: no. just no.

"I know you didn't just say that." Ayla joked around.

"I can't believe it either but you didn't need to do that. You have- we all have anger issues. My mother, my father, me, my brother. It's a strong Black gene. Our family is a fucked up one." Sirius explained. Ayla did not disagree. "It ruined us all. Anger ruins us. I messed up my friendship because of my anger."

~Flashback, April 1976

Sirius waited for Snape to walk out the Slytherin common room for his prank to work. He saw him talking to Evan Rosier and walked into Snape's view. Sirius walked towards the Whomping Willow knowing Snape was slowly following him along. And he was.

"Pads!! Where have you been, mate?" James called out as Sirius walked over.

"Sorry Prongs. Just took a detour." Sirius lied.

"Moony isn't going to take that as an excu- oh shit." James said as he was Snape spying. "Snivellus followed you, you dumbass."

"Fuck." Sirius acted surprised. "I didn't even realise."

"Snape, you can't be here!!" James screamed.

"I knew you were hiding something!" Snape called out. "You guys are going to be in huge

"Pads, what did you do?" Remus questioned. "Why is he here?"

"I'm not joking, Snape. You can't be here!! Quick, Moony go down the hatch!" James said.

"But he's going to see!" Remus argued.

"Doesn't matter! Go!! Pete go with him." James screamed. And they did.

"Where's he going?" Snape asked.

"Me and you are fixing whatever it is you did." James told Sirius and walked towards Snape. Sirius rolled his eyes then smirked.

"What's Lupin hiding?" Snape questioned.

"Piss off, Snivellus!"

"He's a werewolf, isn't he? No wonder you guys follow him down he every full moon." Peter ran towards the boys terrified.

"James, I need your help. It's Remus. He's more aggressive this time." Peter said between breaths.

"I KNEW IT!!" Snape screamed. "You all will be in massive trouble when I tell the headmaster."

"Pads, fix this!" James said as he followed Pete.

"Why is he going down there?" Snape kept asking questions.

"Go down and find out." Sirius said.

"What are you playing at, Black?" Sirius shrugged.

"Nothing. You're a curious little fella. Why don't you go down there and all your questions will be answered?" He persuaded. And he did.
The next morning...

"SIRIUS ORION BLACK, I SWEAR ILL KILL YOU!!!" Brooklyn yelled as she walked in the common room.

"Oop- you're in big trouble." Marlene said.

"What did you do?" Dorcas asked. James and Peter were behind Brooke trying to stop her from freaking out too much. But too late for that. Sirius sat on the couch with Marlene and Dorcas.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Brooke screamed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think he'd actually listen to me." Sirius said. He didn't actually feel sorry for what happened to Snape. He only felt bad for Remus.

"You are so fucking stupid! James, hold me back. I will beat the shit out of him in a minute." She said. James did nothing.

"Go ahead, he deserves it." James said.

"Wow. Be like that." Sirius said very offensively. His best friend was siding with his girlfriend who was siding with Remus who basically felt sorry for Snape. It hurt him.

"You did something really shitty, Pads. You're lucky it's not Remus screaming at you because he would beat the shit out you without warning." James said.

"Look, I'm sorry. I really am. I'll apologise to Remus and we'll move on." Sirius said.

"And Snape." Brooke added.


"You will apologise to both Remus and Snape. I can't guarantee they'll both forgive you but you WILL apologise to them both. Do you understand?" Brooke said in her motherly tone.
She did that to everyone of her friends when they did something wrong and were too stubborn to do anything about it. James and Sirius recognised this tone the most.

"Why am I apologising to Snivellus?! He should learn to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business!" Sirius argued back. As much as James wanted to laugh, he kept quiet.

"BECAUSE HE COULD'VE DIED!!" Brooke yelled. "Remus would've lived with the guilt that he killed someone and you would be to blame because of that. You will apologise to them both because what you did was stupid and fucked up."

"You need to grow up." James said.

End of flashback~

"Anger controls us. But sometimes we need to learn how to control it." Her dad advised.

"Wow. That was deep." Ayla said. Sirius laughed.

"You mother told me that once."

"Well, she's smart."

B: damn right am I

"Yeah. She was the smartest person I knew."

"Smartest than uncle Moony?" Ayla asked.

"Smarter than uncle Moony. She was a special person, your mother."

"She always talked about you. She said you were funny and always getting in trouble. She said you were quite an idiot." Sirius smiled. "The idiot part, very true. Not so sure about rest." Sirius laughed.

"That's because you're taking all the trouble with you. I'm filling in for your mother trying to keep you out of trouble." Ayla smiled.

"Keeping me out of trouble is very hard to do."

"Yeah, I gathered that." They laughed. "Now, head off to bed. I need to go check on how Harry's putting up with this."

"You don't think he did it, do you?" Ayla asked. Sirius shook his head.

"Do you?"


"Good night, pup." He said kissing her forehead as he opened the door for her to go back to her dorm.

"Good night dad."

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