Well this should be interesting

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It's been almost two months since Mattheo last talked to Ayla. During those two months, he's tried his best to talk to her but Blaise, Viola, Pansy or Harry made it difficult. Really difficult. Viola and Pansy won't let him anywhere near 10 feet of Ayla. Blaise would walk Ayla in an other direction and Mattheo won't even dare look in Harry's direction. He hates him that much. Now that he and Ayla's are friends, he hates him even more.

"Dude, you need to talk to her." Enzo said.

"Who?" Mattheo asked like a dumbass.

"Is he fucking serious right now?" Lorenzo was about to lose his mind.

"Mattheo as much as I don't want you being intimate with my cousin, you really need to talk to her." Draco said.

"Black's got a pretty big hold on you, my dear little brother." Tom said.

"Your the reason she hates me, Tom!"

"No, I'm not. You're the one that said that stuff about her."

"It doesn't matter whose fault it is! Mattheo go talk to her." Enzo yelled.

"What do you think I've been trying to do for the last two months or so?"

"Don't worry. I have a plan!"

"You do?"

The next day, Enzo walked up to Ayla at breakfast and sat down in front of her next to Viola.

"Hello ladies, Blaise." He said.

"Hi Enzo." Ayla said.

"Hey Ayla, I've been wondering if you could help me with my transfiguration homework. I can't seem to understand it." He asked.

"Oh, Vi could help you. She's a lot better at transfiguration than me."

"Uh I mean sure but it's for me and uh Draco. We don't understand so maybe both of you can tag along."

"Uh sure. I don't mind." Viola said. 

"Neither, do I."

"Great! We'll meet up in the library at lunch?" Enzo suggested. The girls agreed. Enzo looked at Vi and asked her, "Vi, could I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah sure." They both left the table and walked out the great hall. Ayla and Pansy looked at each other and laughed. 

"Wanna bet he asked her out?" Pansy asked.

"Enzo's too much of a pussy to ask her out." Blaise commented. Ayla laughed.

"You're cruel, Blaise!"

"What? I mean it. All I hear at night is Enzo talking about Vi and Mattheo talking about you. It's annoying."

"Mattheo talks about Ayla? What about Draco?" Pansy asked. Ayla rolled her eyes.

"Let it go! My cousin's a prick, Pansy."

"Hey! I heard that!" Draco said walking up to Pansy. He wrapped his arms around her neck and kissed her cheek. Ayla gagged. Blaise looked confused.

"First of all, ew! Second of all, EW!!" Ayla exclaimed.

"Since when was this a thing?" Blaise asked.

"Around last week." Draco said.

"We've been sneaking around because we didn't know how to tell you." Pansy said.


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