The Letter

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Fourteen-year-old Ayla Black was awoken one day by an owl pecking her forehead. She slowly awoke but fell right back to sleep and was completely unaware of the owl. The owl dropped the letter on her bedside table as she continued to sleep and flew to the window and sat there quietly observing. The owl was black and had a few grey spots here and there around its body.

Ten minutes later, her door slung open to reveal a tall slender man at the door. She was still asleep and unaware of the situation. The man nudged her shoulder with his cane.

"Ayla," he said calmly. She remained tucked in bed and sleeping. He continued this process for a good minute until he screamed frustratedly "Ayla!"

She got up with a fright and fell out of bed. She looked up at the man and groaned in pain.

"Get up, child!" He yelled.

"A warning, next time, maybe?" She exclaimed, getting off the floor and dusting herself off. 

"We need to go to Diagon Alley today. We're also having guests over in 20 minutes so hurry up!" He warned then left the room, slamming the door on the way out. Making Ayla slightly flinch.

"Merlin sake. He's mental, that one!" She murmured to herself then the owl hooted back as an answer. Ayla had a confused look on her face. She searched around the room looking for where the noise came from. She looked over at the window and saw the owl. She titled her head to the left and the owl mimicked her. Her face lit up. She slowly walked towards the bird and held her arm out. Once she was close enough, the bird jumped on her arm. "Whoa,"

"What's your name?" She asked the bird. It flew towards an astronomy poster on Ayla's wall. It pointed at the Regulus star. "That's the Regulus star. So, your name's Regulus?" The bird nodded frantically.

"Nice. My name's Ayla." But the bird continued giving her a hint and pointed at Sirius on the poster. "Yeah, that's the Sirius star like my crazy father. You must really know your astronomy. Pretty smart for a bird." Then she walked into her bathroom and started to brush her teeth. Regulus's left-wing palmed his little face, shaking his head. 

Author's note:

I had to rewrite this. No offence, I just wasn't satisfied with parts of the book so I rewrote the chapter and yeah. Don't hate me for it.

The family she's living with is the Malfoys just so you know.

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