Second Task

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Ayla sat with Hermione all night trying to find something for Harry. She was only there because Sirius insisted she helped. By insisted, he forced her too. Harry and ROn came back with a stack of books Hermione requested. Ayla crossed her arms on the desk and rested her head on them. She sighed closing her eyes. Harry deliberately dropped a book near her head with made a loud bang as it collided with the wooden desk. Except her reaction wasn't what Harry wanted. He expected her to jump up with fright or get angry at him but she didn't. She turned to him slowly and stared at him. Harry forgot how mesmerizing those eyes were.

"Can I help you?" She asked. Harry stuttered staring into her eyes making her frown.

"These books aren't going to read themselves, you know?" Hermione said.

"You heard her, Ron. Start reading." Ayla said closing her eyes again.

" Ugh, just ignore her." Hermione said wanting to get this done so Harry won't kill himself tomorrow. "What did the song say again, Harry?"

"Come seek us where our voices sound." He quoted.

"That's the Black Lake."

"No shit." Ayla muttered. Ron chuckled.

"An hour long, you'll have to look." Harry quoted.

"Ayla, there you are!" A certain Slytherin said sitting next to her. She turned to see Lorenzo with a bright smile. "Mattheo was looking for you."

"Of course, he was. Why do you smile so much?" She asked. He shrugged.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked the Golden Trio. Harry and Ron stared at him weirdly.

"We're trying to find a way for Harry to breath underwater for an hour. Which is potentially problematic." Hermione explained. He nodded.

"Potentially problematic? When was the last you held your breath underwater for an hour, Hermione?!" Harry exclaimed making Ayla laugh.

J: What was that about a ten percent chance?

M: Who's her boyfriend?

J: Shut the fuck up

M: Yeah! That's what I thought

"You're funny." Enzo said pointing to Harry. He turned to Ayla still pointing. "He's funny."

"Hate to break up the skull session." Professor Moody said to the trio but his eyes were on Ayla. "Professor McGonagall wants you in her office." Harry tries to leave but his seat but Professor Moody stops him. "Not you, Potter. Weasley and Granger."

"But, sir, the second task is only hours away and-" Hermione exclaimed before he cuts her off.

"Exactly, presumably, Potter is well-prepared by now and could do good with a good night's sleep." Moody said. "Miss Black, Mr Berkshire, shouldn't you be heading to the Slytherin common room by now?"

"Yes, of course." Enzo said grabbing Ayla's arm but she didn't budge. "Come on, Ayla."

"I think I'll stay." She said. She looked at Hermione and Ron. "I'll help him. You two should go."

"Thank you, Ayla." Mione said hugging her before she and Ron left. Moody stared at the Gryffindor and Slytherin start putting books away.

"Longbottom!!" He yelled. "Why don't you help Black and Potter put these books back so Miss Black isn't late for curfew." Ayla looked over as Neville slowly walked towards them. She sent him a friendly smile which he returned back. Harry starts stacking books and Lorenzo stands there silently.

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