You drew stars around my scars

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Mattheo woke up early that morning. By early, it was 3am. He snuck out of bed and went to the astronomy tower. He set up everything for her. Candles were lit around a blanket laid out with cushions. It was about 4 o'clock when he finished and went back down to get her. He stood over her as he watched her sleep in peace. He didn't want to wake her but he couldn't let his hard work go to waste. He laid back down next to her and shook her awake.

"Ayla." He whispered. She hummed in response. "Wake up. I wanna show you something."

"It's too early." She whined.

"Come on, we can lay back down after but this can't wait." He said. She looked at him, sleepiness in her eyes. "Please, love."

"Fine." She said as she got up from bed. She followed him out as he grabbed her hand and took her to the astronomy tower. He put his hands out her eyes as he opened the door and lead her inside. Once his hands uncovered her eyes, she gasped. "Mattheo. This is beautiful."

"You like it?"


"I love it." She smiled. He intertwined his hand with hers and sat her down. The stars were still glistening in the night sky. Ayla looked up and recognised the stars from her family's astronomical history. Narcissa introduced constellations to Ayla when she was little and she could spot any star in the sky. Her favourite was the one her father was named after. She said it made her feel close to him despite the reputation he had before.

"Draco said his mother taught you two astrology when you were little." Mattheo mentioned. She looked at him and nodded.

"We used to sneak out to our old treehouse and have a competition on who could find the most. I won every single time except once because he cheated."

"So if I named any star, you could find it?" He questioned.

"Try me." They spent hours naming all the stars in the sky. It was around 6:45 when the sun started to rise to bless the day. Mattheo got up from his seat and walked towards the railing near the open wall of the tower.

"This is what I wanted to show you." He said as Ayla slowly followed behind. The sun rose over the Black Lake making the water shine. Ayla looked down in awe with a smile. A smile Mattheo was happy to see.

"I don't think I could decide what's more beautiful. The stars or this sunrise?"

"I can." Mattheo answered. "You."

"Oh really?" She questioned with a smirk. He faced her and grinned.

"Without a doubt." They stared at each other. Mattheo slid his arms around her waist and pulled her in closer. "You, by far, are the most beautiful thing nature had ever created. Not the stars or the sun. You." She smiled at his words.

M: Poetic.

J: aww- I mean that's cute, I guess

M: Face it, James. He's better than Harry

J: shut up

B: stop it the both of you

"Stop getting hotter." She said. He chuckled.

"Can't help it, love." He teased as he leaned in and kissed her. The kiss deepened with Ayla's fingers in his hair. His hands travelling up and down her body giving her goosebumps and butterflies. His lips left small kisses on her jawline and down her neck.

B: ok this is where I leave

J: coming with you, Brooke

D: yep let's go...including you Marlene

M: But-

B+D+L: NO!!

He carried the girl into her dorm and laid her on her bed. Their date turning into something neither of them saw coming. Viola was in Enzo's room from the night before so the room was empty. Mattheo kissed his way down from her lips down to her collarbone. He made it to her shirt undoing every button as he continued kissing her body. He looked up as he had undone her shirt halfway.

"Should I keep going?" He asked.

"Yes." She breathed out. He keep going before there was a knock at the door.



M: ok, sorry I'm going

"Stay." Mattheo said as he walked to the door and opened it. "Blaise. What do I owe the pleasure?"

"Where's Ayla?" He asked.

"She's busy." He said.

"Doing what?"

"None of your business. Now, what do you want?" Ayla got up and walked towards the door. She stood out of Blaise's sights and looked at Mattheo.

"Bro, I'm pretty sure whatever she's doing isn't as important than me. I am her best friend after all." Blaise said. Ayla laughed silently behind the door making Mattheo put his hand over her mouth. "What are you even doing here anyways?"

"I'm her boyfriend. I can be here."

"And I'm her best friend."

"Can you fuck off already?" Blaise looked at Mattheo with squinted eyes before they widened.

"Oh yous are fucking?" He said with a laugh. "That's why you want me to leave so badly. Well, don't ruin her. I have some serious things to gossip about, including this, so have fun."

"Yeah yeah, fuck off."

"Ayla, my girl, I won't tell a soul!" He called out.

"Call her that one more time and I'll strangle you."

"Noted." Blaise said saluting Mattheo before walking off. Mattheo shut the door as Blaise turned his back and looked at his girlfriend. They could hear Blaise's laughter down the hall making him roll his eyes.

"I thought I told you to stay there." He said removing his hand from her mouth.

"You are quite the jealous one, my love." She said with a smirk. "It's adorable."

"Oh yeah? Let's see how adorable you are screaming my name for the whole common room to hear."

"Is that a threat?" She asked testing him.

"My darling girl, that is a promise." He said standing in front of her. He towered over her making her look up to him and him down at her. He smashed his lips onto hers. This time more aggressive and with need.

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