Like Mother Like Daughter

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"Fuck you!!" She yelled, launching her body at her uncle and started beating his ass as her mother did once before. Narcissa watched in shock and the boys tried so hard to separate them. 

Mattheo managed to get a hold of Ayla and pulled her off him. She was kicking her legs like a child and started punching his arms, screaming to let her go. He didn't listen. His arms had a firm grip around her waist and dragged her into another room. He sat her down in a chair and every time she would try to get up, he'd push her back down into her seat. They heard her uncle pissed in the other room.

"Listen to me, Black. You need to settle the fuck down." Mattheo said in a sort of dominant tone. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh yeah, my uncle just talked shit about my dead mother. It's okay. It's fine." She said sarcastically. "Life is absolutely fine. Everything's just sunshine and rainbows in my family."

"Ok, look, I apologise for what he said and I get-"

"Why are you apologising for him? Why? That's not your job!!"

"I grew up without a mother too, you know."

"I figured." He looked at Ayla confused.


"I figured your father needed an heir so that's probably the only reason you were born. Am I right or..?"

"Tha-that's actually true."

"Oh wow. I actually am smart." Ayla said so surprised. They laughed and then when the laughter slowly died down, they looked at each other. They slowly leaned in until they were half an inch close. Mattheo grabbed her chin and pulled her closer. Ayla's hands found themselves on his chest and just when they were about to kiss, the door opened and there in the doorframe showed, Enzo. They looked at Enzo and pulled apart.

"I'm just gonna...go back. Umm, your aunt is uh looking for you." Enzo stuttered. Ayla nodded and walked out of the room, looking for her aunt. Enzo looked at Matheo and had the biggest smile on his face. "Dude!! Seriously. Ayla Black." He walked over to his best friend and slapped his chest, playfully.

"You kinda ruined the moment, Lorenzo," Mattheo said with a smirk. I gotta admit, she is pretty gorgeous, he thought.

"Y'all would be a badass couple though. Like the most feared people in Hogwarts. Ayla Black and Mattheo Riddle. The Legacies."

Author's Note:

Oh, snap- they almost kissed. I'm telling you this will start to make sense soon.

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