The plan

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Enzo and Viola walked out of the great hall and he pulled her into an empty classroom.

"So, what'd you about to talk about?" She asked.

"I know this is gonna sound absolutely crazy but I have a...." Viola smiled at the boy. "....A crush on someone. And I know this is gonna sound crazy but Vi I love you. I really do." The girl stood there starstruck. "Viola. Vi! Hello? Vi." She snapped back into reality only to realise she was day-dreaming. "Did you hear what I said? About my plan to make Mattheo and Ayla talk to each other?"

"Umm, yeah. Yeah! Totally, I agree." She said.

"Good because you know how we're supposed to all go together as a four. You know, me, you, Ayla and Draco. But instead we're not gonna go and she'll meet up with 'Draco' aka Riddle."

"Yeah, that sounds great."

"But I need you to get Ayla to go by herself. Tell her you left something in your dorm and you need to get it or something."

"To make sure she goes alone, got it Berkshire." He looked at her confused. She always called him Enzo or Lorenzo when she was irritated or annoyed. She walked out the classroom leaving the boy confused on what he did.

"Did I do something? Or... is it a girl thing?" He questioned himself. He shrugged it off and went to the common room. Viola went back inside the great hall to see Ayla smiling at her and Pansy and Draco making out. Since when did that happen, she thought.

"You ok, Vi?" Ayla asked. She nodded.

"Yeah, you know I don't feel like going to the library today. You can go tutor Draco and Enzo." Ayla looked at her confused at the mood change.

"Wait what? I don't need a tutor." Draco exclaimed.


B: Why would he? Just why?

"But Enzo said you and him needed transfiguration tutoring and we were gonna meet up at the library during lunch." Ayla explained.

"Oh. That's probably his plan to go make you talk to Mattheo." Pansy and Ayla looked shocked. Viola sighed.

"Are you kidding me?"


"Why couldn't Riddle just come up me and talk to me like a normal human being?"

"Well, Lala, It's hard when these three here," He said pointing to Blaise, Pansy and Vi. "Distancing him away from you. Blaise would drag you another direction. Viola and Pansy would glare at him.  And don't get me started on Pottah! He makes me sick to my stomach."

"Well, its been two months, I've cooled down since then."

"Plus, I'd be mad too. He called her a bitch." Pansy commented. Draco scoffed.

"Yeah and when Tom called you a slut it's a whole different story. Ayla, you've been called every name in the book for fuck sake. What makes Mattheo Riddle calling you a bitch any different from when anyone else has said it?"

"It's because she likes him and hearing him say that make her heart break." Viola said to the group. Ayla scoffed.

B: Oooh.

J: Nah still ship her with Harry

L: Shut up James

"Don't roll your eyes. You know that's true." Draco said.

"It's not."

"It so is." Pansy said.

"Shut up, Pansy. You're dating Draco for Godric's sake!"

"So? At least I'm not in denial." Draco laughed at his girlfriend's comment.

"Whatever. I don't have the time to deal with this shit."

"You never do." Draco said as his cousin flipped him off as she exited the great hall.

D: Totes your daughter, sis

B: Fuck no, that's Sirius Black written all over her

M: You clearly have not seen your daughter. She looks like Sirius but she acts like you

J: She has Sirius and Brooke's personality all in one.

L: Neither of you or Sirius can say that she is not your daughter

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