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Ayla and Walburga walked downstairs and they saw Narcissa and the boys waiting for her. 

"Why does she get a jacket and I don't?" Draco complained. Narcissa hit him up the head and he rubbed the back of his head in pain.

"Looks good, Ayla." Enzo complimented. It really went with her black dress and boots. Mattheo just looked her up and down not saying anything. Ayla walked out of the house not saying anything to anyone and waited for everyone. She looked around the area to see if the dog was there but instead, she saw across the road, a man. She looked at the man and he saluted her. The man looked familiar but she couldn't tell from afar. She walked closer to the man ignoring the yells of her aunt. She walked out to the middle of the road and caught a glimpse of the man and knew exactly who the man was. 

"Dad?" She whispered to herself. Her attention was replaced when she was in someone's arms. She looked up and saw Mattheo.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Did you not see the huge truck coming your way?" He yelled. She was confused and looked back over the street and he was gone. She kept looking across the street until Mattheo grabbed her chin and faced her attention to him. "Are you listening to me? You could've died!"

"But I didn't. So, I'm fine." She pushed the boy off her and looked back across the street. However, behind a tree across the street, a man stood watching his daughter. He watched Mattheo and Ayla cautiously. He heard the boy's yells but saw Ayla's attention drawn to finding where her father went. He smirked recognising the jacket Ayla was wearing.

"Dang, she looks better than me." He chuckled. "And that's my jacket."

James: He's right about that

Lily: Seriously James

J: What? She looks good.

L: Well duh. Do you know who her parents are?

J: Obviously. I grew up with them

L: Remind me why I married you again?

J: Because I'm dashingly handsome and you couldn't resist me

L: I'm pretty sure it was for you to stop bothering me

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