dark mark

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"Good evening!! As minister of magic, it gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of 422th Quidditch World Cup. Let the match begin!!" Minster Fudge said.


After the game, Fred and George were over the moon about Ireland winning while Ron was sulking around. 

"There's no one like Krum. He's like a bird the way he flies." Ron admired. Ayla smirked at the boy. "He's more than an athlete. He's an artist."

"I think you're in love, Ron." She teased.

"Shut up, Ayla." She laughed in response.

"Viktor, I love you!!" The twins start singing. "Viktor, I do. When we're apart my heart beats only for you." Ginny sat down next to her and they laughed at the boys.

"They are such idiots." Ayla said.

"No shit." Ginny replied. They both laughed.

"You know, you're not as bad as Mione makes you out to be." Ayla looked at her confused. People other than Hermione thought she was mean? "She says you're a total bitch for no absolute reason and makes it out like you've murdered someone."

"well, not yet." Ayla muttered.


"I'm kidding. I'm not cruel, I have a heart." Ginny nodded.

"Sounds like the Irish got their pride on." Fred said.

"It's not the Irish." Sirius warned. 

"We've gotta get out of here, now!" Mr Weasley said. Ayla looked at her father who grabbed onto her arm and hurried her along. They all ran outside and saw everyone running.

"Get out!! It's the Death Eaters!!" A scream was made from the crowd.

"oh shit." Ayla muttered. 

"Get back to the Portkey everybody and stick together!!" Mr Weasley yelled. He and Sirius were about to run to help. Ayla grabbed onto her dad's arm.

"Where are you going? Dad?" She asked. He kissed her forehead.

"I love you, stay safe." He whispered. He ran off with Mr Weasley leaving his daughter. Ayla called out to her father once more until George grabbed her arm.

"Let's go." He said. Ayla looked at him then back off to where her dad ran off to see he was nowhere to be found. She nodded and ran off with him and the others. She caught up with Harry and was pushed into a crowd. She felt someone grab her and pull her out the crowd. They covered her mouth and held onto her waist to pull her out. She screamed to let go but only muffles of sound came out. Once they were clear of the crowd, the man whispered,

"Shush or we'll get caught." He lowered his hand from his mouth and she turned to see him.

"Mattheo!?" She exclaimed. He shushed her.

"What part of 'shush' don't you understand?" She frowned.

"What is going on?"

"I wish I knew." They saw something blow up back into the sky. Mattheo recognised it instantly.

"I've seen that before. What is that?" She asked.

"The dark mark. Every Death Eater has one." Death Eaters were his father's followers, Ayla knew that. She knew how he feels but this might be different. His father is an actual psycho that murdered people.

"Is he back? Your father?" She asked. He shrugged.

"I hope not." He replied. "Since we're on the topic of fathers, where's yours?"

"I wish I knew." They heard yelling so they went to see what was going on. Ayla saw her father and ran up to him immediately. "Dad!"

"Ayla!" Relief filled his face seeing his daughter was safe. He hugged her like he never hugged her before. He frowned to see Mattheo show up with her. Harry scoffed.

"You! Mattheo Riddle! You must be the meaning of this!" A man assumed.

"You think I conjured the mark?" He asked.

"Wouldn't be surprised." Sirius muttered. "What are you doing with my daughter?"

"She was...lost." He said.

"Is that what happened?" Sirius looked down to his daughter.

"Yeah. I was lost in a crowd and couldn't find George." She said. George? Mattheo thought. The Weasley.

"How could you lose a 6 foot ginger in a crowd?" Sirius questioned. His daughter shrugged.

M: That's a good question.

"I wish I knew." Mattheo smiled slightly. That must be his and Ayla's favorite phrase.

"Well, Mr Riddle, I thank you for bringing my daughter back to me in one piece and for saving her life." Sirius said.

"Not a problem, Mr Black."

"Since Mr Riddle has Miss Black as a witness to attend that he did not cause this, he'll be let off. Who's your guardian?"

"Lucius Malfoy at the moment." 

"Lucius? He was an old death eater." Sirius said.

"Sirius, now's not the time." Mr Weasley said then a bird cooed out of nowhere. Ayla recognised her bird instantly.

"Reg, my guy." She walked over and grabbed the red envelope from his beak. She pat her bird's head and then it flew off. She looked at who it was addressed to and laughed. "This is for you." She walked to her dad and handed it to him. Sirius recognised the howler instantly.

"What for?"

"Open it and find out." He turned the envelope.

To: Sirius Black
From: Remus Lupin

J: Moony sent him a howler?! BAHAHAHAH
L: Oh he's screwed.
M: Absolutely.

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