Lucius and his ass whooping

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Remus dropped off Ayla back at Malfoy Manor and left. Ayla walked into the house to see the three boys waiting on the stairs. She saw how their faces lit up when they saw her.

"What the fuck?" She muttered confusedly. "Are you guys okay?" Draco and Mattheo looked up at her and she saw a black eye on them both. Enzo was clean and she wondered why. "What happened?"

"Lucius had 'friends' over. They were disrespecting you and Narcissa so Draco and Mattheo stepped in. Did not end well." Lorenzo explained. Her breath became heavy knowing that psycho and his so-called friends did that to Mattheo and Draco of course. "He's in a meeting with them so I probably wouldn't do anything if I were you." She scoffed at Enzo.

"Clearly, you don't know me. That asshole dare beats anyone in this house, he gets one from me. I don't give two shits if he's in a meeting." She walked towards the door but before she was able to open it, someone grabbed her arm. She turned around to see Mattheo. "What are you doing?"

"You're not gonna do that."

"Why not?"

"You could get hurt, Ayla. I don't want that."

"I really don't care what you want. He needs to learn that actions have consequences."

"Don't do this for me."

"I'm not doing it just for you but for Draco and for bad mouthing me and my aunt so let me go and stay over there while I handle this." He listened to the stubborn girl as he watched her walk into the room. He stood there as he heard many men scream.

The moment Ayla walked into the room, all the attention was on her.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? ALL OF YOU!!" She yelled at the men. Lucius got up from his chair and walked towards his angry niece.

"Ayla, you're interrupting my meeting. Get out!"

"No. Do you like hitting kids, Lucius?" He and his colleagues laughed.

"Sticking up for the Riddle boy, are you?"

"Yeah so? You don't get to walk around this house, hitting minors and talking shit about me and aunt Cissy. Actions have consequences." Then she hit him straight in the face. He collapsed to the floor and was unconscious. The rest of his men looked shocked yet scared. "If any of you selfish gits think about going around hitting people or talking about people or hurting anyone, think about this moment, okay." She kicked Lucius in his stomach and walked out the room slamming the door on her way out. She had a habit of doing that. 

J: She's my favourite.

M: To think that's Sirius's daughter

D: Mar, her mother was that badass

L: She's got a point, Mar

She walked past the boys before stopping on the steps and said, "Your welcome." before continuing up to her room.

Draco, Enzo and Mattheo looked at her shocked yet grateful. Draco and Enzo were thinking how in Hogwarts they'd be unstoppable and the most feared people in school. They were lucky for a friend like her. Mattheo however had other intentions.

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