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The boys watched Ayla march up the stairs making the house full of the sound of her footsteps. They heard her door slam and Narcissa walked inside the house and over into the room to where Lucius's colleagues tried to wake him up. She sighed and walked over to the boys.

"You told Ayla, didn't you?" She questioned. They nodded. She sighed again and looked at the three boys. "If anything like this happens again, don't tell her. It's only gonna make more trouble. You understand?" Draco and Enzo nodded but Mattheo got up and ascended up the stairs. No one said anything as he disappeared down the hallway Draco and Enzo looked at each other and smiled. Narcissa looked confusing. "What do you two know?"

Mattheo walked down the hallway and opened the door right at the end. He saw Ayla in short grey pyjama bottoms and a black AC/DC shirt that stopped mid-thigh. She was facing her bookshelf trying to get a purple folder at the top of the shelf. He saw her struggling to retrieve the book. She was wearing white socks and standing on her tippy toes. He snuck up behind her and grabbed the book. She side-eyed him as he handed her the book. She snatched out his hands and walked to her bed.

"Thanks. Now, get out." She said. She laid down in her bed with Regulus resting on her bedframe. The bird looked at the boy at the end of Ayla's bed.

"What? I help you get your book and you want me to get out? Surely, I could stay for a while." He smirked.

"I didn't need your help." She opened the book which revealed photos pasted on every page. She laid it on her bed and Regulus glided down onto her shoulder. "I could've gotten without you."

 (A.N Alexa play Heaven by Julia Micheals😏)  
"Oh yeah?" He exclaimed. He took the book from her bed and walked back towards the shelf. She yelled at him to give it back but he put it back on the shelf and leaned against the wall. "Get it."

"Seriously?" She groaned.

"Yeah. You said you didn't need my help, get it."

"Fine. I will." She got up from her bed and walked towards him. She tried to get the book around three or four times but gave up. She sighed and looked at Mattheo. She saw a huge smirk on his face and she asked, "Can you help me?"

"Thought you'd never ask." He walked towards her and grabbed her waist and lifted her off the ground. She grabbed the book and he lowered her. They faced each other for a few seconds until Ayla broke the tension.

"Thanks, I guess." She said sourly.

"No problem, shorty." Then winking at her as he left the room. Leaving Ayla annoyed yet charmed. She scoffed and went back to looking at the book with Regulus.

Author's note:

ThEy SaY aLL gOoD bOyS gO tO hEaVeN bUt BaD bOys bRinG hEaVeN tO yOuuuu

Making me feel single as fuck here but the tension is immaculate. Plus how tall are y'all? I'm 5'6.

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