He's free

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They walked into Hogwarts heading up to Dumbledore's office. Snape said the password and they all entered. Dumbledore watched them as they entered and smiled.

"Professor Snape, what do I owe the pleas-" McGonagall said until he saw Sirius and Peter. 

"As you can see, professor, the rat is alive which means my dad is innocent." Ayla said smirking. Sirius snickered at his daughter's remark.

"Professor, I mean no harm." Pettigrew said. "I'm innocent. You can't do this to me."

J: Can he shut the fuck up for once in his life?

M: Now, you know how we feel everytime you open your mouth

J: Fuck you, Mar

"Oh but we can." Ayla said. "You alive just proves everything." 

"Miss Black is correct, Pettigrew. You standing right in front of us alive, just proves Black's innocence." The headmaster said.

"Children, please return to your common rooms and we will deal with this matter." McGonagall said. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ayla started walking towards the door but Ayla stopped and ran to her dad, pulling him into a big hug. He smiled and kissed the top of her head. Minerva smiled at the sight.

B: Awww

D: My heart...it can't take this

"Goodnight, baby." He said then she left the office. She walked down to the dungeons and went to the Slytherin common room. She said the password and entered. She noticed Mattheo laying on the couch still sleeping. She walked over and laid down next to him. His arm wrapped around her waist and he snuggled into her neck. Ayla looked at the small flames in the fire and her eyelids slowly dropped. She was fast asleep.

The next morning, she woke up to a huge, bright flash. She groaned and rubbed her eyes. She saw Pansy with a camera in her hands and the rest of her friends surrounding the two.

"piss off!" Ayla muttered.

"Look at the adorable couple." Enzo said. Blaise smirked. Mattheo lift his head from Ayla's neck and looked at his friends.

"If you don't get the fuck out, I swear, I will strangle every single one of you in your sleep." He threatened.

"You two need to get ready for school." Viola said.

"Fuck school. I'm comfortable." Mattheo muttered. Pansy let out a huge gasp.

"Ayla, have you seen the Daily Prophet?" Pansy said. She rushed over handing the paper to her. Ayla looked at the front cover.

Sirius Black proved innocent.

She smiled. Mattheo grabbed it off her and read the cover page.

"So called notorious mass murderer Sirius Black proved innocent just this morning. Sources prove Black was framed by Peter Pettigrew who was supposed to dead for 12 years. But alas, he is very much alive. Albus Dumbledore brought in both Pettigrew and Black into the ministry where Pettigrew confessed to everything. Sirius Black was left off the hook and the ministry questioned him what he will do with his new found freedom. Ooh, Ayla's mentioned in this." Mattheo exclaimed. Ayla looked at the boy and frowned. "Black told the ministry all he wants is for his old job back as an Auror and to spend quality time with his daughter, Ayla Black, who is currently attending Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizarding. Well, would you look at that?"

"My bestie's famous." Blaise said. "In the Daily Prophet how awesome is that?" Ayla rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. I'm just excited at the fact my dad is innocent." She exclaimed. Even though, she already knew. "No more dreadful summers at the Malfoys, no offence Dray."

"None taken." He said.

"That also means no more visiting my psychotic grandmother." She added.

"Your grandma's nice." Mattheo said.

"To you. That's only because of your dad." He rolled his eyes. They both got up from the couch and went to their rooms. Ayla put on a mid-thigh black skirt  and white button up shirt. She grabbed her robe and tie and went back to the common room to see her friends waiting.

"Took you a good 20 minutes." Blaise said looking at his wrist as if a watch was there.

"Blaise, perfection take time. I don't wake up looking this gorgeous." Ayla exclaimed.

"That picture of you and Mattheo begs to differ." Pansy said. Mattheo smirked. Blaise and Enzo snickered. Draco rolled his eyes.

"She's right. You look the same in the photo as you do now. So, maybe you are just perfect." Viola said. Ayla smiled.

"Oh, don't boost her ego." Draco said. "An incredibly large one that is."

M: Sounds like Sirius, already.

D: I 'm convinced she IS Sirius

"I'm starving. Can we go to breakfast?" Enzo complained. They all nodded and left the common room.

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