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 End of the year. Ayla, Pansy and Viola spent most of their night packing, crying, telling each other how much they'd miss each other. Ayla wore a skin tight black dress. Her hair dropped down past her shoulders letting its natural curls flow. She sat on the train with her best friends talking about what they'd do during summer. Ayla thought about the amount of fun, she'd have with her dad and her godfather. They were later joined by Blaise, Enzo, Draco and Mattheo. Enzo sat next to Viola and Pansy sat with Draco. Ayla sat between Blaise and Mattheo. Blaise leaned over and whispered in her ear,

"why don't you go lean over and sit on pretty boy's lap?" He smirked.

"Blaise, I will slap you across the face. Do not test me." She threatened. He giggled before looking out the window. Everyone looked at Ayla and Blaise. All year, Ayla and Blaise had their weird friendship so no one really knew what they could be fussing about. Pansy looked at Mattheo think he knew what was going on. He just shrugged. 

"So, what's everyone's plans for the summer?" Viola asked, diffusing the tension.

"Not spending it with my grandmother, that's for sure." Ayla said. Enzo laughed remembering their visit at the start of the year.

"Your grandmother's not that bad." Mattheo said. Ayla shook his head laughing. "What? She's actually really sweet."

B: HA!! He knows nothing of Walburga.

J: Literally. That woman is the devil in disguise.

"She really isn't. She's all for blood-supremacy. She tortured my dad throughout his childhood which made him run away when he was 16. She also forced my uncle to become a death-eater which resulted in him disappearing. Some believed he was dead, some didn't." Everyone was shocked at her grandmother's actions. Viola felt sorry for Ayla knowing she had to live with her for a year. "Merlin, living with her was hell. Draco, remember when we'd come over for those formal dinners?"

"The one with all those old geezers? Yeah. They were boring." He muttered.

"Yeah. They were. I swear all those men were fucking creeps." She said.

"They literally were. Remember, that old guy that tried touching my mum?" Ayla nodded. 

"No because he tried touching me too." Ayla added. Draco looked shocked so did everyone else in the compartment. Mattheo and Blaise looked at each other and frowned. "No joke. It was literally right  in front of my grandmother and I looked to her to help me but she just smiled at me. I was like, what the fuck."

B: Excuse me?

M: Oh fuck no.

L: That is disgusting. A literal child?

J: What. The. Fuck.

"Thank Merlin, dad punched into him." Draco said. Ayla agreed. As much as she hates Lucius, she was grateful he was there during those parties. She remembered when a guy drunkenly tried to kiss Narcissa and she slapped him across the face. The man got pissed. Ayla yelled at him to leave her alone. He turned to Ayla and went to hit her for interrupting 'adult's business'. Luckily, Lucius got involved before anything physical happened to Ayla. Lucius warned the man that if he ever laid a hand on his wife or Ayla, there would be serious consequences.

"What the fuck?" Enzo said. "I always wondered why you hated her so much. Now, I know."

"I remember her chasing me around the house throwing the Cruciatus curse at me for embarrassing her that night. I always hid in my uncle's room because no one's allowed in there." Every jaw dropped. Enzo, Pansy, Viola and Blaise stared at her blankly. Draco and Mattheo frowned.

B: This bitch is going to pay when she gets here. Torturing my daughter? Letting her get groomed?

M: To be honest, thank Merlin for Lucius. I think I just threw up in my mouth. I cannot believe I said that.

D: No but I hate to agree with you.

"You've been through some shit." Mattheo said. Everyone else agreeing. "Hopefully, being with your dad will make up for it."


"Ayla, you think Vi and I can stay with you and your dad?" Pansy asked. Viola looked at Pansy and laughed.

"No. Absolutely not." Ayla shook her head. "You two need to stop with your crush on my dad. It's concerning."

"You two have a crush on Ayla's dad?" Blaise laughed. "Her mum's wayy hotter." Enzo agreed. Ayla stared at Blaise in disbelief. "Come on, Brooklyn Meadows. Hottest girl to walk Hogwarts, hands down."

B: Why thank you?

D: Brooke, they're children

B: Dorc, it's a compliment and I'm going to take it.

D: Okay, cougar.

B: Shut up!!

"Nah. I'd have to disagree there, Zabini." Mattheo said. Everyone looked at Mattheo waiting for his answer. "Hottest girl to walk Hogwarts would have to be her daughter. Hands down." He said putting his arm around Ayla mid-sentence. Ayla rolled her eyes with a small smile on her face.

D: She liked it.

J: Eh that was smooth but he's no Har-

M: James, shut the fuck up about Harry.

J: I'm just saying.

M: Well, no one asked nor does anyone care.

J: okay, chill.

"I see that little smile, Ayla Estelle. You weren't quick enough, bitch." Enzo said. Ayla rolled her eyes. Mattheo looked down at the girl and smirked. Pansy looked at the two and smiled knowing her plan was slowly coming together.

J: Sirius is not going to like this

B: Do we care?

M: No, James. We don't

L: Stop being a bunch of bitches

M: We're just saying that James needs to shut his mouth sometimes.

The train arrived at the station where Ayla saw her dad waiting. She grabbed her stuff and ran towards her dad.

"Hello pup. How was the train ride?" Sirius asked.

"It wasn't too bad." She said.

"That's great to hear. You ready to go?" He asked. Ayla nodded. 

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