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Ayla sat with her friends in the Great Hall as Dumbledore gave a tribute speech out for Cedric Diggory revealing Voldemort was back.

"Stop staring and look forward!" Ayla snapped to people who looked at them. They looked at her and turned around. Mattheo grabbed her hand for comfort. "You okay?"

"You didn't need to do that. I'm used to it at this point." He said.

"Don't worry about it. You had nothing to do with it." She said. "Trust me, I was there."


Ayla sat in her dorm packing up her stuff before she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in." She said. The door creaked open as her father walked in. "Hey, dad."

"How are you going?" He asked. "With what happened yesterday."

"Couldn't sleep much." She answered. "But I'm used to that. How are you?"

"Worried. About you. About Harry. And what Moony is going to say to me when we get back." Ayla chuckled. "Trust me, that man is terrifying when he's pissed off."

"Oh I know. Full moons make it worse." She commented.

"You know, you almost gave me a heart attack yesterday." He said.

"I know. I apologise for being easily kidnapped."

"I'm being serious, junior."

"You're always Sirius."

"How James would've loved you." Sirius said with a small smile.

J: I do love her

M: we all love her

J: yeah but we are talking about me.

"For what? Making fun of you or?" She teased.

"Shut up." They laughed. "Now, finish packing so we can leave and get Moony's lecture over and done with."

"You're the one who needs lecturing. I'm fine."

"I beg to differ, Little Miss Dating the Son of Lord Voldemort and Got Kidnapped by his Brother."

"Oh shut up!" She exclaimed.

"Me and you. We're in this together, junior. I'm not getting in trouble in my own."

"Is that what you said to Uncle James?"

"It's what he said to me." She rolled her eyes with a smile.

Ayla slept most of the train rain due to her lack of sleep for the last couple of days.

"Has she been sleeping?" Blaise asked.

"Clearly not. She was kidnapped, dumbass." V said.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Blaise asked stupidly.

"Everything." They answered.

"Not to mention, she saw someone die." Enzo added. "Trauma, doesn't ring a bell or what?"

"My apologies." Blaise taunted.

"Shut the fuck up." Ayla said. Her head rested on Mattheo's shoulder with his hand on her waist.

"Sorry." He whispered.

When the train ride was over, they got off onto the station and Ayla spotted her godfather waiting. She smiled as she ran to him and hugged him.

"Hey, Cub!" He greeted. "How you been?"

"Good. You?" She asked.

"Waiting to scream at your father."

"Of course, you are. I missed you."

"Missed you too." He said with a smile. Sirius walked over with him and Ayla's stuff.

"Moony!!" He said with an awkward laugh. "How are you, mate? Please, don't yell at me."

"Not here I won't."

M: oh I'm ready for this

B: facts

"Okay! Ayla, go say bye to your friends, boyfriend ect. Just hurry this up." She nodded as she walked over to her Aunt Cissy.

"Ayla, sweetheart!" She exclaimed hugging her. "How are you, gorgeous girl?"

"I'm great! How are you?"

"Never been better. Are you coming over this summer?"

"I'd have to take that up with dad but maybe."

"Of course."

"Ayla." Lucius said.

"Hi." She replied.

"You okay?" He asked.


"Oh, how wonderful it is to see you two getting along." Narcissa said with a smile. She walked off over to Sirius and Remus leaving Ayla with Lucius, Draco, Mattheo and Enzo.

"I'm guessing, you didn't tell her." Ayla spoke.

"No. I didn't."


"Precisely." She nodded before walking to the three boys.

"Hello, love." Mattheo said wrapping his hand around her waist. "Missed me, already?"

"You wish." She teased.

"Plans for the summer?" Enzo asked.

"Probs, locked in my room. My father and godfather probably won't let me go anywhere."

"Well, we don't want you to get kidnapped again, do we?" Draco said. Ayla laughed.

"No, we don't." She answered.

"Okay, don't joke about that." Mattheo said.

"I joke with trauma. It makes me feel better about myself." Ayla said. "Despite the minor mental problems and anger issues."

"Well, aren't you just a bundle of sunshine?" Lorenzo teased. They laughed.

"Well, I should go. I am awaiting a fabulous lecture on why I'm a reckless child and my dad getting yelled at." She said. "I'll see you guys after summer."

"See ya!" Enzo and Draco said as they walked back to Lucius after Narcissa came back to him.

"Stay safe this summer, please." Mattheo said.

"I'll try." She joked. "Can't really guarantee anything."

"I'm serious, Ayla. Please, be safe." She kissed his worries away and smiled.

"I'm joking. Of course, I will." She said.

"Good." He said leaning back down to kiss her one more time.

"Okay, I really have to go." She said. "My dad is waiting for me."

"Bye, love." He said watching as she walked back to her dad and godfather. She walked towards them noticing the weird looks in their faces.

"What?" She asked.

"You allowed her to date the Son of Voldemort?" Remus questioned looking at Sirius.

"You really think I can control my own child?" Sirius argued back.

"Clearly not."

"Well, no fucking shit!"

"Okay, stop making a scene. God, you two are embarrassing." Ayla said walking past the two men as they followed behind.

"Says the one making out with Mattheo Riddle for everyone to see." Remus commented. Sirius laughed.

"And I'd do it again." She said.

"Let's be grateful, she's not pregnant." Sirius added. Ayla scrunched her nose in disgust while Remus laughed at their antics.

"Oh, shut up!"

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