jealousy, jealousy

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Ayla sat in the courtyard while Draco climbed a tree. She looked at Viola who shrugged. They read books while the boys messed about.

"Why so tense, Potter?" Draco called out. Ayla rolled her eyes. Vi scoffed.

"Seriously?" She muttered. Ayla got up and pulled her friend up as they followed her cousin.

"My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you're going to last ten minutes in that tournament, he disagrees. He doesn't think you're going to last five!" Draco teased.

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks Malfoy!" Harry snapped. "He's vile and cruel. And you're just pathetic." Ayla tried to hide her laugh but couldn't help it.

"Is something funny, Ayla?" Draco asked. She looked at him and acted clueless.

"No. Not at all." She said with a smile.

"Even your cousin agrees." Harry added. Ayla enjoyed Draco being out in his place. It made her life so much easier. "Isn't that depressing?"

"Ooh. Damn." Blaise commented. He looked at Draco. "You let him say that to you?" Ayla laughed at her best friend's behaviour. Their whole friend group turned to look at her.

"I'm laughing at Blaise, not you." She quickly defended.

"Is there a problem, children?" A familiar voice asked. Ayla looked up from the ground and saw her father standing behind Harry.

"None of your business, blood traitor!" Draco exclaimed. Ayla hit the back of his head. He winced and turned to her.

"Don't insult my father." She simply stated.

B: Daddy's girl.

J: She always has been

"Draco's being a git. As always." Harry said.

"I can see that. Your father ought to be ashamed of himself for teaching you such improper behaviour." Sirius said.

"Says the father who was barely there for his daughter's life." A voice said out of nowhere. Tom Riddle appeared.

M: Forgot he went to school there

J: same.

"You must be Tom Riddle." Her father stated. "What a pleasure." Sarcasm filling his voice.

"Ayla, I didn't know your father was as wholesome as you. I guess it runs in the family."

"Don't be a prick, Tom." Mattheo warned his brother. Who only smirked as response.

"I'm sorry, am I making your girlfriend uncomfortable?" He asked staring at Ayla. "Are you uncomfortable, love?"

"Yes, now piss off. Thank you very much."

"How could I forget how feisty you are? It's one of your most sexiest attributes." Tom flirted. Mattheo grabbed his brother by his collar and pinned against the nearest wall. "Calm down, little brother. I might start to think you're jealous."

"Do whatever you want, Mattheo. I'm not a teacher so necessarily I can't do anything." Sirius said. "Harry and I never saw a thing." He said walking away with Harry. I guess McGonagall was right. Maybe he will grow to like Mattheo.

M: Supportive father-in-law

D: Aww. I love that!

"Mattheo. Stop." Ayla said. He glared at his brother who smiled.

"Mattheo, listen to Ayla." Blaise said.

"If you dare mention her, say anything about her, even if you look in her direction; I will hurt you. I will make sure the last thing you fucking do is ask  me for mercy." He threatened. "Don't fuck with her or you will have me to deal with. Do you understand?"


J: Tom you better listen

D: my boy ain't joking

"Mattheo, that's enough." Ayla spoke once again. His threats seemed very serious.

"Your girlfriend's calling you." Mattheo pushed him into the wall and walked off. Ayla followed quickly behind calling out for him to slow down. She was able to catch up by the time he made it to the Slytherin common room where she followed him to his room. He sat on his bed and stared at her.

"I'm starting to appreciate why you chase me after arguments. That shit was tiring." She said out of breath. "How do you move so fast?" He couldn't help but smile.

B: How the tables have turned.

The girl walked towards him and stood between his legs. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she started playing with his hair. The two were quiet for a moment. Ayla ran her finger along the scar on his eyebrow. Mattheo stared up to the girl. His eyes glistening as of the girl was an angel. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?" He asked with a smile.

"Like that." She said. "Nevermind." He smiled wider. "Can you just not...stare at me?" She asked. He smirked.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because it's making me nervous." His smirk making a reappearance.

"I make you nervous?" Ayla knew she fucked up.

"No I mean- not like that. You know what, I'm going to stop talking." She said.

"Look at you, all flustered." He teased. Ayla smacked his shoulder.

"Shut up." She smiled.

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