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Ayla and Viola were reading in the common room while Pansy was fawning over Draco and they just had to listen.

"He is soo sweet, Ayla, I'm telling you. He's really nice." She said.

"Ok. Ok. I get it. You like him, can we get this conversation over with? This book is really interesting." She complained.

"I'm just saying. You say your cousin's this lowlife prick that's mean to everyone but he's not."

"Oh he is." She muttered. Then Blaise entered the common room with a box of Ayla's favourite chocolates and a small single rose on top. The girls were curious.  He walked over to the girls and smiled.

"A delivery to Ms Ayla Estelle Black...from Mr Mattheo Riddle." He said reading a card. Pansy and Viola gasped at Blaise's last two words. Ayla furrowed her eyebrow in confusion.

"What?" She questioned. "Those are for me? From Mattheo? Why?" Blaise shrugged and gave her the gifts. She picked up the rose and gave it to Viola who gave it Pansy who gave it back to Blaise. She opened the chocolate box and ate one. She offered each of her friends one and they finished half the box in five minutes. "I gotta give it to you, Riddle. You got taste."

"Thank Godric for Mattheo. These chocolate are amazing." Viola exclaimed. They all agreed with her.

"One question, why did he do this?" Viola asked. They all shrugged and continued eating them.

"Maybe he has a crush?" Pansy suggested knowing she gave him the advice to get her something. Ayla scoffed at Pansy's suggestion.

"I doubt it."

B: Is my daughter stupid or something?

J: Please, she takes after you. You didn't know Sirius had a crush on you til 5th year.

M+D+L: True.

"Merlin, you are so blind." Blaise muttered.

"Me? How?" Ayla exclaimed offenedly.

"Literally, j-just that behaviour right like right there." He said at a loss of words to explain it. "You are clueless as hell. You keeping asking these like 'oh those chocolates are for me? Why?' or 'What? these are from Mattheo? Why?' like it's so obvious he likes you. You're just too blind to see it."

"He has a point Ayla." Viola admitted.

"Oh shut up." She said rolling her eyes. She knew they were right. She was just too stubborn to admit they were.

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