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The next morning, Sirius saw his daughter with her friend group and spotted the certain boy he was looking for. He walked over and smiled at her friends.



"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I need to have a word with Mattheo." He said.

"What for?" She asked.

"None of your business. You know, you are just like your mother. Nosy." He sassed at his daughter. Her friends laughed. He looked at the Riddle boy and smiled. "Join me outside, will you?" Mattheo got up from his seat and followed Sirius outside.

"What the bloody hell was that about?" Viola questioned. Ayla frowned as the two walked out the great hall.

"I don't know."

M: Sirius, don't kill the boy.

B: he won't kill him, Mar

M: I don't know. Sirius is lowkey psycho

As Mattheo walked behind Sirius, he was confused and yet scared. What did he do? They stood in a deserted hallway and Sirius looked at the boy with a smile.

"Is something wrong?" Mattheo asked.

"Oh no. You're not in trouble. I was just wondering how you plan on asking my daughter to the Yule Ball?" He asked.

"Oh." That wasn't at all what Mattheo was expecting.


"Have you even thought about how you'd ask her?" Mattheo shook his head at a loss for words. Ayla's father was asking how he was going ask out his daughter. "Come on, mate. You've got to have something."

"Sorry but I'm just really confused by this whole interaction." Mattheo spoke.

"Look, let's be honest here, I don't really want my daughter dating anyone until I'm dead." Sirius said. (Little does he know...I'm sorry😭) "But I see how you treat her and how happy she is so I'm making an exception. Fuck it up and let's just say, I've been to Azkaban before and for my daughter, I'll do it again."

"Got it." Mattheo said.

"Now, ideas? Take her to Hogsmeade? Write her a letter? I don't know you have to think of something here!!" Sirius snapped.

"I have an idea." Mattheo said.

"Perfect, what is it?" Sirius asked.


The whole day, Mattheo has been acting off. It bugged Ayla. Was it something her father said? Something he did? He left in the middle of dinner and walked out the great hall.

"What the fuck is he on?" Blaise asked as they watched Mattheo leave. "Go on, Ayla. Chase him." Ayla sighed and got up after him. Sirius sat at the teacher's table watching their plan unfold with a smirk.

"You seem awfully happy." McGonagall said looking between him and his daughter leaving the Great Hall.

"It's all part of the plan, Minnie. All part of the plan." Sirius said cheery. Ayla followed Mattheo as he walked up the stairs to the astronomy tower.

"Excuse me, have we officially switched roles now?" She asked as he leaned against the railing by the opening of the astronomy tower.

"Don't the stars look beautiful?" He asked.

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