Godfather duties

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Ayla spent the night listening to Remus and Snape argue and eventually fell asleep on the chair she sat on. Professor McGonagall noticed this and told the two men to shut up.

"If you two don't shut up this instant, you will wake up Ayla!" She whispered/yelled. Remus looked at the sleeping child and walked over to her and lift her in his arms walking out the office saying a word to no one. He walked the halls with the sleeping girl in his arms looking down at her and smiling. This girl had changed his life. She was one of the people he would protect in a heartbeat. He has been there for this girl her whole life. She was like his own daughter.


"Where's my darling baby goddaughter?" James exclaimed walking into Brooke's hospital room. Lily, James, Remus and Peter walked into the room to see Sirius rocking his daughter and Brooke exhausted. James walked to Sirius putting his hands out to hold her but Sirius frowned.

"Can I not hold my daughter in peace? Go away!" He said shooing him away.

"Brooke, your husband is hoarding my goddaughter." James complained. Sirius laughed at the last part. "What?"

"James...you're not Ayla's godfather." Brooke said. James's expression fell.

"WHAT!? Who is it then!? Because I doubt they could do a better job than I could've." James exclaimed. Sirius and Brooke exchanged a look. "Well, go on, who is it?"

"It's Remus." Brooke said. Remus looked shocked.

"okay, maybe he could do a better job than me." James muttered.

"Sorry, Prongs." She apologised.

"No worries. It's not like I'm gonna cry or anything." He said with his voice cracking in the middle of it. He hugged Lily who cradled him like a baby. Brooke sighed and rolled her eyes. James was always dramatic.

"Sirius, love, can you give Remus his goddaughter?" Brooke asked. Sirius looked at Remus with a dirty look not wanting to hand over his daughter. "Sirius!"

"Padfoot, it's just for one minute. One minute." Remus negotiated but every time Remus would take a step towards him, he would bark like a dog.

"Back away from my Ayla!" He said. 

"I'm surprised my goddaughter hasn't woken with all that barking." Marlene said leaning aginst the doorframe. She walked over and hugged Brooke while James's jaw dropped.

"MARLENE'S THE GODMOTHER?!?! Wormtail, they've betrayed me!" He said crying into poor Peter's shoulder who just shrugged at the rest of his friends.

"James, stop being dramatic." Dorcas said holding Marlene's hand.

~End of flashback~

Remus entered his office and went to his bedroom. He laid his goddaughter in his bed and tucked her in. He got ready to leave for the full moon before the moon hits its apex. He grabbed what he needed and was about to leave until his goddaughter cried out for him.

"Where are you going?" She asked. He rushed to her and kissed her forehead.

"Doesn't matter. I'll be here when you wake up, pup." He said. She nodded sleepily and fell back asleep. He rushed out and went to the whomping willow to transform. 

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