Bulgaria vs Ireland

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"This is going to be awesome!" Fred exclaimed. Ayla rolled her eyes and laughed. "Come on, Ayla. Hurry up."

"Shut up, Fred." She said.

"I can't wait to see Krum." Ron squealed. Ayla looked at the twins confused.

"Viktor Krum. He's the Bulgarian seeker. One of the best in the world." George explained. Ayla nodded. "Ron has a huge crush on him." Ayla giggled.

"I do not!!" His brother yelled. Ayla laughed.

"Sounds like you do, Ronald." Ayla said.

"I don't. He's just a great seeker." He argued back.

"Sure." She said sarcastically.

"Who do you think will win, Ayla?" Ron asked her. She frowned slightly. He was talking to her. He called her by her name. That was weird.

"I don't know and quite frankly I don't care." She said.

"Not a quidditch fan?" He asked.


"Then why are you here? If you don't like quidditch, why bother coming?" Granger asked.

"Because my dad wanted to." She said. Sirius smiled.

J: Daddy's little girl.
D: how cute.

"Blimey dad, how far up are we?" Ron asked as they climbed up the stairs.

"Well, let's put it this way," a familiar voice said. Ayla leaned on the railing to look at her uncle. She saw her cousin and two friends. "If it rains, you'll be the first to know." She rolled her eyes. Draco laughed.

"Father and I are in the minister's box. Personal invitation by Cornelius Fudge himself." Draco said.

"No one asked." Ayla replied. The Weasleys laughed. Sirius put his hand on his daughter's shoulder. Ayla noticed Enzo and Mattheo trying to cover their smirks.

"Do join us, cousin. You'll have a much better time here than with them."

"Sure why not." She said sarcastically.

"Wait really?" Her uncle questioned.

"No." She said walking up the stairs to their seats. Mattheo smirked as he watched the girl.

"Advert your eyes elsewhere, Riddle." Sirius said before following his daughter.

J: oop-
M: what an idiot
B: Sirius, love, leave them alone
D: exactly we ship them here

They made it to the top seats in the stadium.

"I told you these seats would be worth waiting for." Mr Weasley exclaimed.

"This does not help with my fear of heights." She said.

"Me and you both." Granger muttered.

"We'll be fine." Fred said.

"How about I push you over the railing will you be fine then?" Ayla sassed back. Fred moved his brother next to Ayla and moved next to Hermione.

"Calm down. Nothing bad is going to happen." George reassured.

"I would love to believe you. I really would." She said then the Irish team flew past them and blew up fireworks into the sky. The sparks created a dancing leprechaun. Ayla's eyes lit up in awe. George looked at her and smiled.

"See. Nothing too horrible." He said. She looked at him then back to the fireworks.

"Here come the Bulgarians!" Fred screamed. They flew through the leprechaun in the sky and started doing tricks on their brooms. A man showed up on a screen like hologram which made the guy fly across half the stadium. So, this is the Krum guy everyone talks about so much, she thought.

"You know, I thought he'd be hotter." Ayla said.

"Literally." Ginny agreed.

"Not everyone can look like Cedric Diggory. Or in your case, Mattheo Riddle." Harry said. Ayla looked at him confused.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She questioned.

M: My question exactly
B: why is he being a prat?
L: Harry, that's unnecessary

"You know what I mean." He replied.

"Harry, don't ruin tonight. Just focus on the game." Ron pleaded.

"No. I don't know what you mean. Explain." Ayla asked.

"Ayla, don't encourage him. Just leave it." George begged.

"Who do you want, Ayla? Cedric, Mattheo or George? Seriously, she playing you." He said.

"What?!" She exclaimed.

"Harry. Don't be a prick. It's the Quidditch World Cup. Don't ruin it for everyone else." George argued.

"You know she's only going to run back to Riddle. Why bother?" He kept going.

"That's enough! You're ruining a perfectly good game. Shut up." George yelled.

"What on Earth are you kids bickering about? The game's about to start." Mr Weasley asked.

"Nothing dad. Don't worry about it." George replied.

"I wanna leave." Ayla muttered.

"Don't worry about him. He's jealous."

"Of who?"

"Me. Cedric. Riddle."

"Why?" George shrugged. He knew why but was he really going to explain it. No.

D: It's that obvious
M: oh my god. Brooklyn your daughter is just as oblivious as you were
B: shut the fuck up bitch

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