Black Lake

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For the last few weeks, Ayla still hasn't talked Mattheo or Tom. So, she decided to go down to the Black Lake for a walk. She walked around the shore of the lake stopping every once in a while to skip stones. That was until she saw a figure a few yards away from her in the woods. It waved at her. She tilt her head in confusion.

"Hello?! Are you ok over there!?" She yelled out. The figure gestured her to follow it then it transfigured into a dog and ran into the woods. "What the fuck?" She muttered to herself. She decided to run after it and kept yelling out. She ended up in the middle of nowhere looking around for the figure or the dog. It was silent until she heard the dog bark at her. She looked over to see it was near the whomping willow.
The dog made it into a hole in the tree and waited for her. She looked confused. She looked at the tree and took a deep breath. She memorised where the dog went and followed its tracks. She dodged the branches and made it to the opening in the tree. She slid down a slide and ended up in a house. A very old, dusty house that was. She walked around the corridors looking for the dog.

"Hello!? Hello?! I know someone's in here! Or something that is." She walked into a room and the door closed behind her. It revealed none other than Sirius Black. Ayla's face dropped. She looked like she about to scream but he shushed her.

"Shhh. It's just me." He said.

"Which is exactly why i should be scared!" 

"Ayla, we both know you're sure as hell not scared of me."

"You don't know that! You don't know me!"

"Yes, I do!"

"No, you don't!"

"Ayla, we are more alike than we think!"

"We are two different people. You're the bad father and I'm the lonely daughter who was abandoned at the age of 10!" Her voice slowly cracked.

"Ayla, I didn't abandon you! They took me away from you and your mother, you have to understand that."

"I was 10. I was a child when I saw my own mother's life get taken!!" She remembered the green light. Her aunt's crazy, malicious smile and messy, black curls on top of her head. "And her sorry ass deserves to be in Azkaban for what she did."

"Ayla, I would have never abandon you. Or your mother. I loved you both very much. You need to know, that I'm innocent. I need just you to believe that. I don't care what anyone else says about me. I just need my own daughter to believe, I care about her more than anything." Ayla's eyes were blurred with tears. Sirius hugged his broken child hoping he could one day fix her back up again. Give her the childhood she deserves. He pulled her apart and cupped her face. He smiled at her.

"You look just like your mother." He whispered. She laughed.

"You're such a liar." Knowing she was very much her father's daughter. He laughed with her. "Maybe we are alike." She noticed the features her godfather mentioned and saw she saw they were alike. A lot more than she thought.

L: I feel like I'm gonna cry

D: Sameee

M: Me too! James, you alright there!

J: No! I've crying since Ayla started crying. Don't judge me, I'm very emotional

L: It's okay, love.

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