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Ayla sat in Defense Against the Dark Arts bored out of her mind. She kept fidgeting with Vi's stuff which annoyed Viola. Until someone knocked on the door and opened it. Professor Moody stared at the interruption.

"My apologies, Professor Moody. I would just like to speak with Miss Black." Professor McGonagall said as she stepped into the classroom.  "Ayla, could you follow me to the headmaster's office?"

"Headmaster's office?" Viola asked in a whisper. Ayla just shrugged.

"Stop staring, you idiots!" She exclaimed to the two boys seated in front of them looking at Ayla and the other nosy people in the classroom. They both snapped their necks to the front of the classroom. She got out from her seat and walked to the door. She walked behind the professor as she walked through the halls. They entered Dumbledore's office and sat Ayla down next to her father. "Why am I here?"

"Miss Black, we have some terrible news that has struck your family." Dumbledore spoke. She really hoped this wouldn't turn into one of his speeches at the Great Hall. She did not have the attention span for that. "We think it's best if you hear it from us. Well, your father." She turned to look at her dad for answers on why she was pulled out of class.

"What?" She asked him.

"Your grandmother died this morning." He said so emotionless. "Narcissa informed us."


D: Why are you so happy about that?

B+J: The woman was a bitch

"Oh." Ayla replied. "I thought he said terrible news."  Sirius forced himself to not smile. Ayla knew he hates his mother so they're wasn't much reason for him to be sad and Sirius seeing Ayla with the same amount of hatred, made him want to smile. Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall stared at the girl. McGonagall trying not to laugh, she was aware on how the woman treated both her kids and her grandchild. She hated it and was waiting for his day just as much as Sirius and Ayla.

"Miss Black, this is a family member dying and you show no remorse?" Dumbledore asked. Sirius frowned at the headmaster. There was nothing wrong with her feeling no remorse to a woman who was the devil in disguise.

"Excuse my language but the woman was a bitch." Ayla answered. "If anything, I'm happy."

"Well, I think the matter is settled. My daughter and I don't feel bad so I think it's time we leave." Sirius said grabbing his daughter's arm and walking her out. They walked down the halls in silence.

"I'm going to my dorm and writing a 'thank you' letter to the grim reaper." Sirius laughed at his idiotic daughter.

"You would've made an excellent Marauder." He spoke. "With that sense of humour, you'd fit right in."

"What's a Marauder?" She asked.

"It was what my friend group called ourselves. There was Moony, Prongs and...Wormtail."

J: dickhead

L: James.

"And you were Padfoot." Sirius smiled down at his child.

"Yes, I was. We were a group on pranksters back in our days. Me and James more like. Remus got us out of trouble and Peter was always along for the fun." Sirius explained giving a few stories of pranks they did in Hogwarts. "Now, your mother knew us all the best. She was a hard woman to prank."

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