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The feast began and Ayla and Pansy started talking and getting to know each other. 

"So, wait, you had two godmothers?" Pansy asked. Ayla nodded.

"It was originally my aunt Marlene but she got married to my aunt Dorcas so they both became my godmothers." She explained.

"Woah. That sounds so fun. Having two godmothers AND they're married. They sound incredible." Pansy admired.

M: Aww she misses me

D: And me

J: I think she's forgetting you two are dead.


"They were."

"Please, I've heard so many things about your mother,"

"Like what?"

"Like how she was a beam of light everywhere she went. She was friends with everyone and everyone loved her. And she was sooo pretty. You definitely got your looks from her." Ayla smiled at Pansy remark. "She even got Hogwarts biggest player fall for her." 

"Yeah, that was my dad."


"I think you mean siriusly." Then the girls laughed. A couple of seats down on the opposite side of the table, Mattheo stared at Ayla admiring every little feature. He slightly smiled at the sight of the girl. Then his thoughts were interrupted by a kick to the shin.

"Oww." He said. Then Blaise and Enzo laughed at the love-struck boy.

"Are you ok, Mattheo?" Ayla asked from across the table.

"Huh?" The boy asked.

"I thought you hurt yourself." She said.

"Nah, Enzo just kicked my shin." She and Pansy giggled.

"What for?" She asked Lorenzo.

"He wasn't paying attention. He was too busy staring at something or should I say, someone?" Ayla looked at the boy as he looked at his friend shaking his head before smirking.

"Watch this," She said to the girl on her right. "Was it me?" The boys looked at her then smiled at Mattheo.

"No. It wasn't." He lied. He started to grow anxious but kept his confidence.

"You sure? You look really nervous."

"I'm not nervous, love." Enzo and Blaise's faces lit up. Pansy's jaw dropped and her hand flew to her mouth. Ayla looked him up and down and scoffed.

"I'm getting mixed signals. Up here," She pointed to his face. "You seem fine but down there," She said pointing to under the table. "Is telling me a whole different story." He looked down to see his boner. Enzo and Blaise cackled with laughter until they started to cry. Draco and some other Slytherins burst out in laughter and started to bang their fists on the tables. Pansy's jaw drooped and looked at her new best friend in disbelief. Ayla smirked at the boy who was shaking his head. He got up from the table and got up in front of Ayla's face.

"You know you'll really gonna regret what you said." He whispered.

"But I don't though." He laughed.

"Actions have consequences, Black. Your consequences are ones that I'd really enjoy. Good night, love." He whispered before kissing her cheek and then leaving the great hall. She sat there watching the boy leave before siling at the thought but that thought didn't last long.

J: He is BOLD

M: No shit Sherlock.

L: Sirius would goddamn kill him

D: No shit Sherlock

"Did he really just say to you?" Pansy asked, smiling.

"Yep. He can leave those consequences in his brain cause it's never gonna happen."

"Oh really?"

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