Why are you here?

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Ayla barged into her father's room where he was staying for the year.

"Why are you here?" She yelled. He turned around confused.

"For security. As Dumbledore said." She knew he was lying.

B: he is lying.
D: he's so spying on Ayla and Mattheo

"Lies! Why are you actually here?" She asked.

"Are you not happy to see your father?" Sirius questioned.

"I have friends that have crushes on you. Not to mention, Enzo, Draco and Mattheo are scared of you." She said. Sirius smiled at the last part. "Actually, maybe not Mattheo. But the other two do." Then his smile faded.

"I don't see the problem. I can keep your little boyfriend at bay." Her father says.

"Not you too!" Ayla complained. "You think I like Mattheo?"

"He's got a crush on you." Her dad stated.

"No. He doesn't." Ayla denied. "Even if he did so so many other boys. I really don't care."

"As your father, I care." He says. "I'm also here to keep you out of trouble."

"I can manage to do that on own. I'm not a little kid." Her father begs to differ.

"Not to me, your not." He said. Ayla rolled her eyes and groaned. "You are more overdramatic than me. That says a lot."

M: true
J: BAHAHA. Padfoot has met his match.

"Well, you know what they say, I'm the female version of you. I am unfortunately your daughter." Ayla explained.

"Okay, you little bitch. Bedtime. Go to your dorm. Or shall I walk you there like an embarrassing father?"

"Piss off."

"Watch your attitude, little girl."

"I wonder who I got it from."

"Go to bed!" Sirius was done messing around with his daughter.

"I hope I never wake up."

D: wow. Imagine we talked to our parents like that.
B: I would've died a lot earlier

Ayla walked to her common room and saw her friends gathered there. They all turned when they saw her.

"I want to kill myself." She said.

"Damn. Are you okay?" Blaise asked. Ayla walked over and sat on the couch.

"No. My dad's being a prat." She said. "And Pansy, don't talk me. You're still disowned."

"Don't be a bitch, Lala." Draco said as his girlfriend sat on his lap.

"Piss off, Dray!" She said. "No one is speaking to you."

"Ayla, relax. Just take a deep-" Ayla stared at Viola as she said this. "Nevermind. Rant all you want."

"Viola, did you add Krum to Ayla's list of boyfriends?" Pansy asked.

"My what?!" Ayla exclaimed.

"Oh she listens to me now?" Pansy questioned "We made a list of your little boyfriends."

"Do I want to know who's on this list?" Ayla questioned.

"I want to know. Spill." Enzo said.

"Ok so first, there's Potter." Pansy listed. Ayla scrunched her face. Blaise laughed.

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