back to school

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Ayla's house was busy for the next week. Her father stressing out about the Death Eater attack. Remus getting her school stuff. Ayla convincing her grandmother to not visit her because she would not know what her father would do. When the day Ayla had to go back arrived, her father and godfather were a mess. The trio arrived at the station, Ayla looked around for her friends and saw her cousin show up with her aunt. The two boys followed the Malfoys and started adjusting their suits. Ayla walked towards her aunt and smiled.

"Aunt Cissy!" She squealed giving her aunt the biggest hug.

"Ayla." She said. She cupped her neice's face and smiled. "I swear every time I see you, you're as beautiful as ever." Ayla smiled then someone tapped her shoulder. Ayla saw her aunt's gaze turn from happy to gentle.

"Narcissa." Ayla heard her father say. Her aunt smiled back.

"Sirius." A small silence filled the space between the two cousins. Narcissa stood forward and hugged Sirius who stood there confused. He looked at his daughter who motioned for him to hug her back so he did. Ayla noticed his body that was once tense, relaxed. She smiled. "Merlin, Ayla, you look just like your father."

"Thanks." She said sarcastically.

"Please, looking like me would be considered a compliment." Sirius replied.

"Why?" Remus laughed.

"Because- shut up!" Sirius yelled. "You're such a smartass, you know that?"

"At least, I'm not a dumbass unlike..." She said looking at her cousin. He rolled his eyes.

"Shut the fuck up."

"Don't be rude to your cousin." Narcissa growled her son.

"Yeah, listen to your mother." Ayla mocked.

"Ayla. Stop tormenting your cousin." Her father said.

"Yeah, listen to your father." Draco mocked.

"How on Earth do you deal with these two?" Remus asked Enzo and Mattheo. They shrugged. "Ayla at school is a total troublemaker. Constantly annoying Snape."

"He doesn't know how to take a joke. He takes things too seriously." Ayla whined.

"No, you're just annoying." Draco said.

"I know you are but literally, he needs to loosen up and have fun."

"Well, that's hard when boys are poking at his daughter. Like someone..." Mattheo said nudging Enzo.

"Oh yeah, what about you? Who exactly tickles your fancy?" Enzo threatened.

"Dad, can you take my stuff to the train? It's too heavy for me." Ayla asked. He nodded.

"You two really going to play that game with her father right over there?" Draco questioned.

"Who?" Ayla asked.'

"Nothing!" "No one!" "Don't worry about it." The boys said.

M: I can't see, I'm blind
J: They are fucking blind
M: You're supposed to finish the lyric

Narcissa looked at the boys and smirked. Mattheo likes Ayla. She watched the four kids walk towards the train and her cousin joined her once again.

"Did she just leave without saying goodbye?" Remus asked.

"Mattheo likes Ayla. Just thought you should know." Narcissa said out loud.

"Bullshit!" Sirius exclaimed.

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