Dementor, Dementor

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Ayla and Mattheo looked at each other before sitting back down.

"You do know what this means, right?" Draco asked. They all looked at him confused. "With you two, we'd be the most powerful people in school."

"What the actual fuck are you talking about?" Ayla said.

"Hello! The son of You-Know-Who and the daughter of the notorious mass murderer, Sirius Black. We'd make anyone do anything we want."

"You sound mental, Dray." His cousin said.

"I hate to disagree with you, Draco but I'm gonna have to agree with Ayla." Enzo and Blaise giggled. Mattheo leaned over to Ayla and whispered in her ear.

"What a suck-up." Ayla nudged his arm and chuckled.

"Shut up. She's not being a bitch anymore." She muttered making him laugh.

"I mean I don't know about you guys but I mean the son of You-Know-Who and the daughter of Sirius Black would make an amazing yet fearful couple," Enzo suggested. Blaise laughed. Mattheo slightly blushed and Ayla smiled and shook her head.

"No," She said. "Lorenzo, you can take that thought and go fall in a ditch."

"I mean you have a LOT of tension between you two," 

"Yeah, like sexual tension," Blaise added.

"Blaise, shut up." The ship said in unison. 

L: Awww


M: We don't know. We're watching this

D: Yeah. No offence but your son is really boring


M: Just like his father I guess

D: Oh shit HAHAHA

"Aww. You guys really are adorable." Pansy said. Ayla rolled her eyes and got up from her seat. She opened the door before Mattheo grabbed her hand.

"Where are you going?" Mattheo asked.

"Anywhere else."

"Well, I'll come with you."

"No. I'm fine. I don't need you to hang around me all the time." Then she left the compartment. Ayla walked down many compartments until she bumped into another boy. Great. 

"Shit. Sorry about that-" The boy said until his eyes met with Ayla's. He blushed and got nervous. Ayla looked at the boy and smiled slightly. "I umm I'm so sorry. I uh didn't see you. Yet I probably should've noticed a girl like you."

"Like me?" She questioned.

"I meant a pretty girl like you." She blushed slightly. The boy was quite handsome.

"Umm," She was lost for words. "Thanks, I guess. I'm Ayla."

"I'm Ced-" He was about to say until George and Fred came over and wrapped their arms around Ayla.

"Diggory!! I see you've met our girl." Fred or George said but she was guessing Fred. Ayla frowned at his choices of words.

"I'm sorry, your girl?" Diggory asked. 

"My words exactly!!" Yelled a boy whose voice Ayla realised instantly. Mattheo. Ayla didn't even dare to look at him.

"What do you want, Riddle?" Diggory questioned.

"MY girl, Diggory, is what I want. So, please, Ayla go back to the compartment." He said looking at her. She just looked at the floor. 

"Let her stay if she wants to stay, Riddle. She's not an object you just claim." Diggory defended her.

"Ayla Estelle Black. Go back to the compartment, now!"

"Why?" She asked.

"Because I said so. Now, go!!"

"No." Then the train started to stop and the air became cold. The lights went off and all Ayla could feel was George's hand in hers. She saw a black figure start moving in her direction. It stopped in front of her and she felt empty. One of its fingers ran along her cheek and then she fainted. George caught the girl in his arms and laid her on the floor and kneeled next to her. Mattheo, Fred and Cedric watched as the creature travelled down the rest of the train. 

"What the fuck was that?" Fred asked.

"A dementor." Mattheo and Cedric said.

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