I'm back...<3

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Ayla and the Slyhterins watched as Hagrid brought out a friend of his. A hippogriff. They looked confused.

"What the fuck is that?" Blaise asked.

"A hippogriff," Ayla answered.

"Are you sure? It looks like a massive chicken." Enzo said.  Viola and Pansy laughed at the boys' stupidity.

"Hagrid, what exactly is that?" Weasley asked.

"That is a hippogriff, Ron." The professor answered.

"And of course. Miss Black is right again." Said Blaise.

"Now, who'd like to come to say hello?" Hagrid asked the class. Everyone stepped back leaving Harry there on his own and then Blaise grabbed Ayla's hand and threw it in the air.

"Ayla does," Enzo yelled. She pulled her hand down and shook her head.

"Well done, Ayla and Harry, well done. Come forward, you two." Ayla started to walk forward and mouthed the words, 'Fuck you and you.' and pointed her middle finger to Enzo and Blaise. They were standing side by side and looked at the animal. 

"Now, you have to make him make the first move. It's only polite. So, you two, step up and give a nice bow. Then you wait and see if he bows back, if he does you can go touch him." Ayla looked at Harry and Harry looked at Ayla.

"You can go first." They said at the same time. Ayla noticed how Harry kinda towered over her. He was only a few inches taller but still.

"Ladies first," Potter said before nudging her forward. Ayla slowly walked forward and made eye contact with the hippogriff. She bowed down low remaining eye contact. The hippogriff noticed her eyes changed more animal kind. Like a wolf or a dog. Buckbeak felt threatened but noticed the kindness in her eyes. It started to flap its wing and Hagrid told Ayla to back off. But she didn't move. She stayed looking at the animal showing a calm and collective spirit, showing no threat. Buckbeak calmed down and slowly walked towards the girl and Hagrid looked surprised. He's never down that before. The hippogriff almost looked hypnotised. Once it was close enough, it licked her face and she grimaced and wiped her face. She pats the hippogriff's head and smiled.

"Good job, Ayla! Well done!" Hagrid says before giving the hippogriff a dead ferret. She went and walked back to where she and Harry were standing before."It's your turn now, Harry!" He listened to Hagrid's instructions from before but the hippogriff seemed more threatened by him than Ayla. Hagrid told Potter to back off as the hippogriff grew a little angry and Ayla pulled him back by his hand. He looked down before the girl let go.

J: Harry and Ayla sitting in a tree

M+J: K-I-S-S-I-N-G

Harry bowed back down and kept still and soon enough the hippogriff bowed down as well.

"Well done Harry well done! You can go pet him now." Hagrid exclaimed.

"He's nicer than you think," Ayla said only for harry to hear. He pets the hippogriff and smiled. The class starts clapping as they both succeeded. 

"He may let yous two ride him now," Hagrid exclaimed.

"What!?" They said. Hagrid grabbed onto Harry and put on the hippogriff. He grabs Ayla and puts her on.

"You may want to hold onto Harry there Ayla," Hagrid said and the whole class laughed.

"Yeah, that's not happening!" Ayla said.

"I won't bite. Plus I'm not that bad," Harry said. She groaned and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Just make sure you don't pull out any of his feathers, he won't like that!" Then hit the hippogriff behind and then it ran and Ayla held onto Harry for dear life. Harry felt Ayla's hands right on his chest and blushed.

"We're gonna die," Ayla exclaimed making Harry laugh. She hit his shoulder and rolled her eyes. "It's not funny, Potter!"

"Never said it was."

"You are the one that's laughing." Then they flew around Hogwarts and Ayla smiled in awe. "Everyhting looks so small from up here."

"It really does." Then they flew over a  lake and Harry slowly started to rise up.

"Harry, what are you doing?"

"Just watch." He slowly stood up and screamed and cheered. Ayla laughed. She looked at the water and smiled.



 Then they circled around and eventually landed. Hagrid helped Harry off first and then Ayla. Ayla smiled at the boy and put her hand out. He looked confused.

"Nice knowing you, Harry." Ayla smiled. He shook her hand and smiled back.

"Same to you, Ayla." 

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