Task 1

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Ayla walked with her friends to the stands of the first task. She sat between Viola and Mattheo as they waited for the task to begin.

"This is so boring." Mattheo said.

"It hasn't even started." She replied.

"I have better things to do than wait for a stupid task. For example, spending it with you at Hogsmeade." Vi looked at the two and smirked.

"If this is how you act when she's not your girlfriend, I would love to see how you act when she is." She said.

"I would hate to see that." Draco added. Ayla rolled her eyes.

"If you think about it, you are spending your weekend with me." Ayla said ignoring her friends.

"Yeah. Watching three guys who have crushes on you enter a ring of certain death." Then his brows perked up. "Nevermind, I might enjoy this actually."

"I hope Potter gets burned to a crisp." Draco said.

"What do you mean by that?" Enzo asked.

"They're facing dragons. That's their first task."

"Dragons?" Ayla and Viola questioned.

"Oh this just got interesting." Mattheo said with a slight smirk.

"BETS!! Any bets!!"

"Place your bets here folks!" Ayla looked over to see the twins making their ways around the stands.

"What on earth are you two doing?" She asked as they walked in front of her.

"People are betting on who's survive- win. I meant win the first task." Fred explained.

"Any bets, princess?" George asked. Mattheo glared at the redhead.

"No. Thank you." She said.

"Are you two going to do this the entire tournament?" Viola asked. The twins looked at each other.

"Pretty much." They said. Then a cannon went off. Ayla and Vi flinched. The twins walked off.

"What the fuck." Ayla muttered. Everyone watched as Cedric Diggory walked out. He began facing his dragon which kept everyone on their toes. He survived the first round and then it was Fluer. She survived as well. Then Krum who also survived and finally Harry. He used his wand to summon his broom.

"That's pretty smart." Viola admired. Ayla nodded. The boy flew off and the dragon followed him. A few minutes go by, the crowd could hear the dragon screech and then silence. Then in the distance, they see someone flying back and the crowd went wild as he grabbed the golden egg that sat in the arena. Ayla looked at her cousin's disappointing facial expression.

"What was that about Harry not lasting ten minutes in the tournament?" Ayla asked. Draco made a face to her.

"I'm glad you're happy. Both your boyfriends survived." Draco said. Ayla made a face at him this time.

"The only boyfriend she needs to worry about is sitting right next to her. Don't you two have somewhere else to be?" Viola asked. Mattheo smirked. He leaned over and whispered,

"Should we go?" He asked. She nodded as they got up and left the arena. They traveled back to Hogwarts and went to their common room. Ayla sat down with her legs on the couch. Mattheo moved them off as he sat next to her. She kicked them back on the couch with the thighs on Mattheo's lap. She grabbed a book from a table behind her head. She flipped through the pages and found her bookmark. Mattheo watched as she read the book. He grabbed a quill from the coffee table in front of him and used her skin as paper. She looked away from her book to the boy drawing on her leg.

"What are you doing?" She asked. He gripped her thigh for her to stay still. "Mattheo. What are you doing?"

"Shush, stay still." He said. She tried to see what he was doing but his hand was in the way. Something Ayla never noticed before were his hands. His left hand had a silver ring on its middle finger. His right had another silver ring on his pointer and ring finger. The boy must really love silver. Veins travelled up his wrist and faded on his arms. He was so concentrated on the drawing and she was so concentrated on his hands, neither of them realised they were being watched. Tom Riddle stood next to the fireplace and eyed the two with a smirk.

"Enjoying the view, Ayla?" Tom asked. Ayla turned to him with a fright.

M: when the fuck did this prick get here?

"How long have you been standing there?" She asked.

"Long enough." He said.

"That's creepy." She said.

M: fuck yeah it is

"Piss off Tom." Mattheo said as he continued drawing.

"Alright, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone." He said walking towards the stairs to the dormitories.

"Your brother's weird." Ayla said. Mattheo laughed.

"A pain in the ass more like."

M: it's always him or Blaise ruining the moment!

B: excuse you, we love Blaise here

"Why don't you two get along?" Ayla asked.

"We are two different people. He has his beliefs and I have mine. Those beliefs don't correlate." He explained. "Be grateful your an only child."

"I am. Who needs siblings when I have Draco to argue with?" She said. Mattheo laughed. "I would like a little brother though. I feel like that's why Draco and I get along so well. He's like my brother. If I had a sister that would probably be a different story."

B: sisters are the worst

D: fuck you

B: love you too

"What about Vi?" He asked.

"She's my best friend. She's like my sister but I know she's not. You know?" He nodded.

"That's like with Enzo." He said.

"Are you done?" She asked.

"Yes I am."

"Can I see what you drew?" He nodded. She looked at the drawing and smiled. "It's a star."

B: holy shit


M: we know James. Why is it so good?

J: I'd get that tattooed

L: She's fifteen!!

"Not just any star-"

"It's the Sirius star." She interrupted.

"Well the constellation technically." She smiled.

"I love it."

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