So dramatic🙄

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Two days later, Draco exited the hospital wing with his arm in a sling. Ayla laughed at her poorly crippled cousin.

"What's so funny, Potter?" Draco joked. Her laugh died down into a smile which turned into a smirk.

"What's the fact that you are the most DRAMATIC person I've ever met. You act like your arm's broken. Shattered into pieces.  It's a mere scratch. It just shows how weak you are, cuz. I'm embarrassed for you." Ayla said. Draco went to go what looked like he was about to hit his cousin until Mattheo pulled his arm back.

"Don't." He warned then dropped it down.

J: He's obsessed

D: Well have you seen the girl?
Have you seen who her parents are?
Her genes are immaculate.

"Why do you care about her? She's only going to run off to Potter and we both don't want that, do we?" Draco whispered. Mattheo bit his lip before turning his back towards Draco and marched towards his cousin. He grabbed Ayla by her arm and almost dragged her through the corridors until they got into the Slytherin common room. He pushed Ayla against the wall. His breath was unsteady and uneasy.

"Why do you do this to me?" He asked. His face was confused yet mad.

"Mattheo, I don't know what I did to you but I'm sorry." She apologised. She looked him in the eyes before he looked down at her lips. He swallowed his pride and let Ayla out of his grip.

"You drive me insane, you know that?" He whispered. Her breath started to flow like his. Unsteady and uneasy. Shaking with every word. "Jus-just stay away from Potter. Give me a little peace of mind."

"Why?" She questioned.

"Just please, listen to me before I go mad. I don't like him especially around you, okay?"


"Thank you." Then, she kissed his cheek and left the common room. Mattheo stood there shocked yet relieved. His face slowly lit with a smile.

"Wow, my little brother and his first kiss!" A voice said from the couches. Mattheo slowly walked over to see none other than...


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