I know she knows.

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B: Hi.

M: OMFG!!!

L: Little Miss Brooklyn Meadows

D: Correction, Brooklyn Black. Hey sis.

B: Heyy. What? We all looking after my daughter now?

J: I still don't forgive you for making Moony Ayla's godfather and not me.

B: Surprised Sirius didn't even disagree with my decision.

J: I know what a traitor.

B: Ugh missed you too, buddy.

J: Of course you did. And hey, can I be Ayla's ghost-father?

B: Ayla's what?

J: Ayla's ghost godfather

B: you know what, sure. I'm not even gonna argue

Ayla walked back to her dorm and started zoning out.  Everything started to make sense. 
Remus being a werewolf so the other marauders became animagus to help him. That's means Pettigrew was one too. Ron's rat was missing a toe, Pettigrew's body was missing and all was found was a finger. Pettigrew's animagus was a rat hence the name Wormtail. You remember on the train, Ron telling you he had the rat for 12 years. As everything made sense to her, her dormmates entered to see Ayla muttered things to herself.

"Let's not question it." Viola asked. Pansy nodded. 

"OMG!!! Everything makes sense." Ayla yelled.

"What makes sense?" Pansy asked. Ayla screamed.

"What the fuck! Since when, did you two get here?"

"Like a few minutes ago." Viola said. "You alright, Ayla?" She had a huge smile on her face knowing her father was innocent.

"Never better." She figured it out. Her dad was innocent. Sirius Black was framed by none other than Peter Pettigrew.

B: So, she figured it out.

J: Of course she did. She's your daughter.

B: Hey! I only knew because my dad told me.

D: Not really. He said someone we knew was the traitor. Dad never said who. You and Mary figured that out on your own.

B: Yeah then he killed her and threatened my daughter.

M: He did not threaten my goddaughter

B: Yeah, he did. What a backstabbing little prick.

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