September 1st

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Narcissa got the four children up at around 8 am to get ready and leave for the train. The boys wore a black and white suit and Ayla wore a white dress with her father's jacket over the top and a pair of black boots. She put her hair in two braids and walked downstairs. At around 10 am, they left. Ayla saw many children, mostly boys, staring at her. She noticed a family of redheads and rose her eyebrow. The boys helped her load her stuff and when they were about to get on the train, Ayla grabbed Mattheo's hand to guide her through the crowd. He smiled at Ayla's action. They made their way onto the train and they were searching for compartments. Many boys tried to make room for Ayla to sit with them but Draco, Enzo but mostly Mattheo would scare them off. Until they ended up bumping into two redheads. They both looked at Ayla and their eyes lit up.

"Whoa!" They exclaimed in sync. Ayla smiled.

"Move it, Weasley," Draco said pushing through them. Enzo and Mattheo pushed through after him. Ayla stayed behind a little while.

"Sorry about them. I'm Ayla." She introduced. She put out her hand and they both argued over who would shake it first. One of the twins managed to win the fight.

"I'm George. This is my brother, Fred." He said. Ayla smiled as she shook the other twin's hand.

"Ayla, let's go!" Draco commanded. She sighed and rolled her eyes at her cousin.

"Well, I'll see you around then," She said before walking over to the boys. Mattheo grabbed onto her hand and they walked down the train. Meanwhile, George pretended to faint in Fred's arm until Fred lifted him back up.

"She's a stunner, Freddie." He said watching the girl walk down the train.

"No shit, Georgie."

Ayla and the three boys walked around looking for a compartment. They walked past many compartments that were either empty or had some spots left.

"For Merlin Sake, what are we looking for?" Ayla said.

"Looking for my friends." Draco said. Ayla scoffed.

"Didn't know you had any?" Enzo and Mattheo laughed. Ayla smirked until her cousin opened up a compartment door. In there sat three boys and a girl. They sat opposite them. The girl gave Ayla a dirty look. Ayla frowned.

"Guys, this is Ayla. Ayla, these are my friends. This is Crabbe and Goyle." He pointed to a tall large boy at the end and then pointed to the shorter larger boy next to him. "This is Blaise and Pansy." He then pointed at a dark-skinned boy and a black-haired girl. Ayla smiled.

"Is she one of little sluts you three passed around over the holidays?" Pansy assumed. Ayla stood up and Pansy did the same. Matheo stood up trying to break these two apart.

"Excuse me? You the fuck do you think you are?" Ayla exclaimed.

"Your worst nightmare, bitch. So, step down." Ayla laughed in her face. Pansy stood there confused.

"Oh, you thought did something. I'm sorry. I don't think Draco introduced me properly. I'm Ayla Black, who the fuck are you?" The whole compartment stared at the two girls. Mattheo smirked at Ayla knowing she won this argument.

"Wait, hold on, so the rumours true?" Blaise asked. They all looked at him.

"What rumour?" Mattheo asked.

"That the daughter of Sirius Black is coming to Hogwarts. That's you?"

"Yeah, that is me."

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. Let's start over, I'm Pansy Park-"

"Shut the fuck up. I don't care." 

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