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"And this is Mattheo Riddle."

Ayla's heart stopped for a second. She perked her eyebrow and eyed him up and down. There was some tension between them and Ayla didn't like it.

"So, you're a Black?" He asked causing some conversation between the two. She smirked.

"Not something I'm proud of but yes I am. And you're a Riddle?" He smirked.

"Yes, ma'am." He winked at her biting into his food. She rolled her eyes and continued eating her breakfast. Enzo chuckled ever so slightly.

"As in like You-Know-Who's son?" He nodded. "Gosh, I never thought I'd ever meet someone with a worser father than mine. That must suck."

"Ayla. Manners." Narcissa warned. 

"It's fine, Mrs Malfoy. She's not the first one to give me this type of attitude." He smiled at Narcissa who smiled back. He gave Ayla a smirk. As much as Ayla hated to admit, he was hot.

"Mattheo, Enzo and Draco, watch after her at Hogwarts," Lucius said to the boys and they all nodded.

"Hold up, I'm not going to Hogwarts." Ayla refused.

"You are. Your letter came in this morning." Narcissa explained. Ayla took a moment to react.

"Thank Merlin, I'm out of this hellhole!!" Ayla said gratefully. Draco and Enzo laughed quietly. Mattheo stiffed a smile. Lucius growled under his breath.

"Let's just hope you get Slytherin unlike your pathetic father and your worthless mother," Lucius grumbled, taking a shot of alcohol. Ayla didn't give two shits what people said about her father but her mother was an amazing person. She passed when Ayla was 10, killed by a death-eater.
"You see her parents were Gryffindors. That god awful house thought they were better than everyone but they were a bunch of gits. Especially, her father and Potter. Biggest assholes of all." 

Ayla's blood started to boil listening to Lucius talking shit to the boys. Her fists got tighter and her shoulders were tense. "But you see her mother was the biggest slut in that house. Her and her father. Sleeping with everyone in the year." he continued. Ayla's breath was unsteady. "One time back in the sixth year of school, she punched me in the face for apparently 'bullying' one of her friends and she tried to fight me but she did little damage to me. Thank god, she's dead now."

"Fuck you!!" She yelled.

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