Oh shit

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Ayla avoided Mattheo most of her day at school. If he walked towards her, she'd walk away. He'd try to talk to her but she'd ignore him.  He got really annoyed by this. He noticed Ayla walking with Viola and Pansy to Care for Magical Creatures. He walked behind the girls and wrapped an arm around Ayla. She looked at the boy confused then looked at Pansy for help. She smiled and winked at Viola. V looked at Ayla and smirked. She shook her head.

"What are you three conversing about?" Mattheo asked.

"We never said anything," Ayla said.

"Yeah but your facial expressions say otherwise." 

"Why do you need to know?"

"Is it a crime to be curious?"

"I don't know, is it?" The boy looked down at the girl confused. "Well, you could be killed by being curious but I don't know if it's a crime."

"Well, if you mess with the wrong people out of curiosity, then yeah," Viola said.

"That still doesn't answer my question," Mattheo asked.

"She means if you mess with the wrong people like breaking or entering then yeah. That's a crime." Pansy said.

"Does it look like I'm breaking and entering? No, I'm not. Yet I still haven't gotten an answer for my question."

"Pansy, breaking and entering is a crime so-" Viola argued until Pansy interrupted her.

"Yeah, but you wouldn't be breaking and entering if you weren't curious." 

"I kinda agree with Pansy," Mattheo said.

"What the fuck!" Ayla exclaimed. The two girls and Mattheo looked at Ayla.

"What?" They asked.

"You three make no sense, whatsoever. Let me just list the other stuff I'd rather listen to than this whole fucking confusing conversation. 1. Snape," She said. Mattheo laughed. Viola rolled her eyes and smiled. Pansy giggled. "2. Dumbeldore at the great hall, 3. Lucius yelling at someone,"
The three were dying of laughter at Ayla's long list as it went on and on. "9. Draco whining to me after he fell out a tree."

"Ok ok, we get it. But my question is still unanswered." Mattheo exclaimed. V and Pansy laughed. Ayla scoffed. She noticed they made it to the site where the class was starting.

"I can't with you three." Then she walked towards Blaise and Enzo. "Hey."

"Hey. What's up with you?" Blaise asked.

"I just listened to Mattheo, Viola and Pansy have this whole unnecessary conversation. And I have fucking migraine!" She exclaimed.

"Language, Miss Black," Hagrid said. She saluted the teacher and he groaned.

"Why are you such a bitch, Ayla? Just because you're in Slytherin doesn't automatically make you the coolest person in the world." Hermione exclaimed.

"Mind your business, mudblood!!" Draco yelled. Ayla hit her cousin's chest. They looked at each other and she shook her head. She hated that word. She walked towards Hermione and saw her expression.

"I am so sorry for what he said. That was totally uncalled for." Ayla apologised.

"I don't need your sympathy!!" Hermione yelled. Ayla looked at the girl.

"You're just like the rest. You're only apologising to make herself seem better."

"You know what, I take it back! You don't deserve my apology. You don't deserve anything from me. Just so you know, I hate that word. I could never call someone a mudblood. That's disgusting. It's revolting. And I come to apologise like a normal person but your the one that wants to act like a bitch. So, yeah, you don't deserve shit from me. None of you do." 

"You're a Black. What's there to expect from a Black other than an attitude and blood supremacy?"

"If you actually knew me other than my last name, I'm more than that. I don't even support blood supremacy."

J: Sirius would be proud

L: Her mother would be proud

M: I'm proud

D: Way to make it about yourself, doll

"Sure you don't."

"Ayla just go back to the snakepit where you belong," Harry said.

"Since when the fuck was I talking to you, Potter!"

"Stop acting like a psycho before you end up like your father." The crowd laughed at Ayla and congratulated Harry.

"Please, Potter, at least I have a dad." Then she walked back to the Slytherins. They all admired her. Harry looked at Ayla and grimaced. The crowd laughed at Harry's embarrassment and Ayla's backlash.

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