hold my girl

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Sirius and Mattheo sat in his office looking through the Marauders Map searching for the name of Ayla Black. She was in Mad-Eye Moody's office with Tom Riddle. And Barty Crouch Junior. 

"Why is she with my brother?" Mattheo asked.

"And Barty Crouch." Sirius said shutting the map and running to Moody's office. They barged inside to see Mad-Eye sitting down in his chair. "Where's my daughter?"

"I have no clue what you are on about, Black." He said.

"Come on, Barty. It's just us." His face dropped. "Where did Riddle take her?"

"Isn't your godson on his third task right now? Shouldn't you be worrying about him?" Barty questioned.

"My daughter is my main priority. Now, tell me where he took her!" Sirius threatened pointing his wand into Barty's neck.

"He's not going to hurt her. He has no intention of doing that. Relax, Sirius, she's perfectly fine." Barty said. "Your godson, however, I can't guarantee anything. The Dark Lord can have his way with him."

"My father's back?" Mattheo questioned.

"He will be."


"Shall I reveal what really happened that night 13 years ago? Shall I divulge how I truly lost my powers? Yes, shall I? It was love." Lord Voldemort spoke. Ayla looking at Harry worried. Her mind then traveled to her father. He'd be devastated if he lost his godson. Ayla had only hoped he wasn't mad at her. "You see, when dear, sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her only son, she provided the ultimate protection. I could not touch him. It was old magic. Something I should have foreseen. But no matter, no matter. Things have changed."

M: oh shit


"I can touch you now." He said touching Harry's scar. Ayla watched as the boy screamed in pain. Lucius Malfoy grabbed her arm and pulled her back. He turned her head to other way so she wouldn't see but she could still hear. "Astonishing what a few drops of your blood can do, eh, Harry?" He ripped the part of the statue that was holding him up and threw it across the ground. "Pick up your wand, Potter. I said pick it up! Get up. Get up!!"

"You need to run to the cup, do you understand?" Lucius whispered to her. She looked at him and nodded. 

"Crucio!" The Dark Lord shot at Harry. Ayla blinked the tears filling her eyes away. Tom joined her and her uncle as they watched. "Atta boy, Harry. Your parents would be proud. Especially, your filthy muggle mother."

L: You. Fucking. Psychotic. Bastard!!!

J: No. Bad Lily. You hate violence. 

M: He's torturing your son.

J: Oh, no shit. I can see that.

B: James, don't be sarcastic. Our kids are being traumatised.

"I'm going to kill you, Harry Potter. I'm going to destroy you. After tonight, no one will ever again question my powers. After tonight, if they speak of you, they'll speak on how you begged for mercy. And I, being a merciful lord, obliged." He said before making Harry stand up. Harry used whatever energy he had to hide behind a tombstone. Voldemort shot a spell at the tombstone making some rubble to break off. "Don't you turn your back on me, Harry Potter! I want you to look at me when I kill you." Then Ayla snuck off. Hiding behind various tombstones and worked her way close enough to the cup before she bumped into something. Well, someone.

"And, where do you think you're going?" Tom asked.

"Home. Now, move." She said. He grabbed her forearms and moved her infront of him.

"We will go home. Later. Now, be patient, darling." He said.

"I can't go home later. My dad would be worried sick. My boyfriend, my friends. Do you just not care?" She asked.

"No, I don't." He stated emotionless. Then a bright light took over them. Ayla and Tom turned and saw the flash of green and red colliding. 

"your father's really getting his ass kicked by a fourteen year old?" She asked.

"Isn't he fifteen?"

"Nah. I'm fifteen. He's fourteen."

"When's your birthday?"

"October 22th."

"oh." A barrier surrounded the two as they dueled. Ayla saw blue lights come out the collison from the spells. They floated to the barrier and it were spirits of people Voldemort had killed. There was Cedric. An old man. And Lily and James Potter. The spell died down and Harry ran. The spirits distracted Voldemort while Harry ran to Cedric. He looked at Ayla mouthing, 'sorry'. She frowned.

"Accio!" Harry yelled pointing his wand at the cup.

"No." Ayla said rushing towards it but Harry was quicker. He left her stranded. On her own. Surrounded by deatheaters. Stuck with Lord Voldemort. 

J: Harry, you fucking dumbass

B: Did he just leave my daughter stranded?!

"Guess you're stuck with me, sweetheart." Tom saids with a smirk. Ayla wanted to cry.

"He left me?" Ayla questioned in disbelief. Lucius placed a hand on her shoulder.

"You'll be alright, Ayla. You can come back with me." He said. She nodded.

"No need, Malfoy. She's coming back with me." Tom said grabbing her arm. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's go. My brother will murder me for having you out this late."


Harry teleported back with the Portkey. Sirius and Mattheo waiting patiently. Mattheo saw he came back with the dead body of Cedric Diggory but no Ayla. 

"He's back!! Voldemort's back!!" Harry screamed. "Cedric, I couldn't leave him!"

"But you left Ayla?" Mattheo questioned angrily.

"Where is she, Harry?" Sirius asked.

"I don't know. I only recognised the place from my dreams. She was with Tom." He said. 

"She's not hurt?" Mattheo questioned.

"Wormtail tried cutting her hand off."

"What?!" Sirius and Mattheo exclaimed in unison.


Ayla and Tom walked through the hallways looking for everyone. She walked to the stadium where she saw her dad with Harry and Mattheo. He looked over as she emerged from the shadows. 

"Dad." She said. He rushed to her and hugged her tightly. 

"Thank God, you're alright. You aren't hurt, are you?" He asked with his hands on her shoulders. She shook her head. He sighed before he hugged her again. "You are never leaving my sights ever again." Mattheo looked over and saw Ayla hugging her father.

"Take care of her." Harry said. Mattheo looked at him and frowned. "Your father seemed to have taken an interest to her." He walked over and Ayla practically leaped in his arms.

"I'm really sorry." She mumbled. He held her tight. 

"You have nothing to apologise for. It's not like we knew Tom was going to take you." He said.

"I didn't take her." Tom said. "Barty Crouch did. I had no idea he was going to do that. I promise you."

"Thank you. For keeping her safe."

"That's enough from you. She's making you soft." His brother said.

"Is he back?" Ayla and Tom nodded. "Shit."

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