well hello

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That night everyone was ready for the upcoming game. Ayla wore her black bodysuit with a black skirt to match. She let her hair down and wore a pair of heels. We walked into the living room of their tent and Ayla saw her father rushing around.

"You good?" She asked. He stopped to look at her.

"Where's your colour? No green? No red?" Her father asked. She didn't care about quidditch. She only came to make her father happy.

"I wear enough green at school, dad. And red, not for me. " She said walking outside. She walked around the campus where tents were set up for other people. A small boy ran up to her with a rose in his hand.

"For the pretty lady." He said. She smiled.

"Why thank you. It's beautiful." She said to the boy. He smiled back.

"I'll tell him you liked it." She frowned.

"Him?" She questioned. He pointed behind her. She turned her neck to see who he meant. In a black suit, she saw the familiar curls and eyes that belonged to none other than Mattheo Riddle. She faced the boy and held the rose in her hand.

"Stalking me, Riddle?" She asked with a smirk.

"No. Just observing the sights." He replied walking towards her. She smiled. "When did you get here?"

"This afternoon. Had to help my dad set up the tent and get ready so yeah. You?" She explained.

"An hour ago. Malfoy's got business to tend to so I got bored. How's your new life with your father?"

"A lot better." She nodded.

"I must say I have missed you." He said. Ayla smiled.

"Mattheo Riddle missed little old me? Wow. What a surprise." She said smugly. He rolled his eyes. "I missed you too."

"Ayla Black missed me?" He asked with his signature smirk. She pinched her fingers and said,

"Just a little."

"Now, that's bullshit. And you know it. You missed me more than anything."

"Now now, Mattheo, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I miss Blaise and Pansy a lot than I missed you."

"Ouch. Ayla, you are breaking my heart." She laughed. "What are you even doing here? You hate quidditch."

"What makes you think that?" She asked.

"You say it all the time about how much you hate quidditch and how pointless it is." So, he listen to me She thought.

"Well, it is. It's literally a bunch of people flying on brooms to throw a ball into a hoop. I don't get the point." He tilt his head as he listened to her rant.

"So, why'd you come?" He asked.

"My dad wanted to so I thought I'd be a good daughter and tag along so my father can enjoy himself. I mean being locked up for 12 years for no reason must suck." Mattheo chuckled.

"LOVEBRIDS!!" A voice yelled behind Mattheo.

"Hi, Enzo." Ayla greeted with a wave. He walked past Mattheo with his arms wide open.

"How is my best friend?" He asked as he hugged her.

"We're best friends? Since when?" She asked.

"Since now so suck it up."

"Blaise won't like that."

"Fuck Blaise. No one cares about him at the moment." Ayla scoffed then laughed.

"I'll tell him you said that."

"Hello, cousin." Draco said hugging Ayla.


"Why are you here? I thought you hated quidditch." Enzo asked.

"She's being daddy's little girl." Mattheo said.

"Oh shit, we haven't met your dad yet, have we?" She shook her head.

"I don't think you'll want to." She said.


"The idea of his only child hanging with three boys. Alone."

"He'd love me. I'm funny." Enzo exclaimed.

"He probably wouldn't. He doesn't even like Draco and he's my cousin."

"To be fair, no one likes Draco." Mattheo said. Ayla laughed at her cousin who glared at the Riddle boy.

"I mean he's not wrong." Enzo said.

"Back me up here!!" Draco yelled at his cousin.

"You're on your own, blondie."

"AYLA!!" A man yelled. She froze.

J: oh shit. They're fucked
B: Those poor boys

"Oh shit." She muttered. She watched as her father walked towards her and her friends. "Hey, dad." She got no response. Her father was staring between the three boys.

"Draco Malfoy. How's your dad?" He asked.

"He's good, I guess." Sirius just nodded.

"Who are you?" He asked Lorenzo.

"Lorenzo Berkshire, sir." He said.

"Berkshire? Interesting." Ayla bit her bottom lip. Her father looked at Mattheo. "I already know who you are so don't bother."

"Dad, they're my friends." She said.

"Friends? Who was that from?" He referred to the rose. She looked down at her hand then at Mattheo. "Well, go on."

"Just a little boy."

"Really?" She nodded. "What little boy?"

"I don't know. He was just a kid."

"The game's starting soon-"

"Like what? An hour." She interrupted.

"Soon. Be back in twenty minutes so we can head up with the Weasleys. No less than twenty minutes, got that?" He warned. She nodded.

"Yup. Twenty minutes. Got it."

"Boys." Sirius said before walking off.

"That's your father?" Enzo asked.


"He is intimidatingly scary." Draco said.


"He hates us." Mattheo said


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