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Ayla walked into her dorm with a smile which dropped when she saw Viola and Blaise staring at her.

"Something happened. Spill." Blaise said.

"What?" She asked.

"Ayla, sweetie, we have a sixth sense for whenever something happens in your life and it's tingling." Vi said. "Now, sit down and tell your best friend what happened."

"By best friend she means me." Blaise said.

"Shut up, Blaise!" Vi exclaimed.

"Let's just say, I have a boyfriend." She stated. Both their jaws dropped.

"FUCK OFF!" They screamed.

"YOU AND MATTHEO?!" Blaise exclaimed.  "DATING?"

"I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!" Vi screamed hugging Ayla.

"FUCKING FINALLY." Blaise said. "Enzo owes me soo much money."

"You made a bet with Enzo?"

"Of course, I did." Blaise said.

"I owe Hermione like five galleons." Vi said.

"What?!" Ayla questioned.

"Mione bet that you'd be his girlfriend before the Yule Ball. I bet you'll be his girlfriend after." Vi explained.

"What happens when Draco finds out?" Blaise asked. "He will not be happy."

"Oh well." Ayla said sitting on her bed.

"So, tell us everything." Vi said laying on Ayla's bed looking at her.

"And in detail! I need to know everything." Blaise added. Ayla went on explaining the series of events that leaded to Mattheo being her boyfriend. Blaise and Viola would not stop squealing.

"Then he kissed me."

"AGAIN?" Blaise shouted. "Damn, my boy was not wasting his time."

"Shut up, Blaise!" Ayla exclaimed.


The next morning, Ayla woke up rather happy with the course of last night. Her and Vi got ready and strolled down to breakfast. They notice Hermione on her own so they decided to sit with their Gryffindor friend and see what was up with her.

"Hey, Mione." They greeted. She smiled back.

"Hey!" She said. "How are you?"

"Here's those five galleons I owe you." Vi said reaching over the table handing them to her. Hermione frowned then gasped.

"STOP IT!!" She exclaimed. "You and Mattheo?"

"Yep." Ayla confirmed.

"Well, I'm happy for you." Granger said with a friendly smile.

"Thanks, Mione." Ayla said drinking a cup of orange juice.

"Speaking of your boyfriend, here he is now." Vi said. They looked over to see Draco, Mattheo, Blaise, Enzo and Theodore Nott walk into the great hall.

"So, Hermione, who's your date to the ball?" Ayla asked changing the subject.

"Oh umm. Well, it's a bit complicated." She said.

"Oh come on, Mione, you're gorgeous. Surely, you have someone." Vi said.

"There is someone." Hermione said. "Well, it's Viktor." Ayla's jaw dropped. Vi gasped.

"No way!" Ayla exclaimed.

"WHAT?!" Vi squealed.

"Hermione Granger, you absolute flirt!" Ayla said. "Viktor Krum?"

"How does Ron feel about it?" Vi asked.

"I haven't told him or Harry yet." She said.

"Understandable." Ayla stated. "Those two can be a little...judgy."

"Ronald, mostly." Hermione said. Ayla just nodded.

"Especially, when he knows who." Ayla added. Hermione nodded.

"Moving on, Ayla, your boyfriend is staring over here." Hermione said. The trio looked over and saw him staring over at them. He looked at Ayla and winked before the girls turned back around. The girls looked at Ayla and smiled.

"Stop." She said. Vi grabbed her arm and shook it in excitement. "Viola, I mean it."

"Good morning, girls." Ayla heard her father say sitting down next to his daughter. "Good morning, junior."

"Hi, dad." She said.

"What's up with you all today? You all seem rather happy." He asked. Vi and Mione looked down smiling. "What did I miss? Is it your new boyfriend?"

"How did you-"

"I know everything." He said. "Who do you think told him that him ignoring you all day would be a good idea to get you to the astronomy tower?"

"You prick." She replied. He smacked her upside her head. "Oww!" She pushed his arm.

"Language, junior." He said. "And don't push your father."

"Don't smack your daughter." She sassed back.

"Junior?" Viola questioned.

"Padfoot junior." Father and daughter answered in unison.

J: Padfoot junior, suits her well

"God, you two are literally the same person." Mione said.

"We get that a lot, don't we?" Sirius taunted putting his arm around his daughter and side-hugging her.

"If I had a galleon for every time someone compared me to my father, I'd be rich." Ayla said.

"You'd be rich either way, Cub." Sirius said before leaving the girls alone. Hermione and Viola laughed as he left.

"Good riddance." Ayla sighed.

"Your father is hilarious!" Viola said.

"More like annoying." Ayla corrected. "Don't get me wrong, I love him to death but he is so infuriating."

"Sounds just like you." Viola teased. Hermione giggled.

"There's another galleon to add to my many others." Ayla said drinking her orange juice. Ron and Harry walked into the great hall and sat with Hermione without even acknowledging the two Slytherins on the other side. "Well, hello to you too."

"Hey, Ayla. Do you have a date to the Yule Ball?" Ron asked.

"Yes. Why?" She answered.

"See! I told you." Ron said to his best friend.

"Which one? Cedric? George? Mattheo? Or is it someone completely different?" Harry asked.

"Here we go with the slut-shaming." Ayla said.

"Harry, don't be a prick." Viola defended her friend.

"What? I'm just being curious." He responded.

"Harry, just stop. I've gotten over this grudge we had on Ayla, Ron has too! The only person that needs to grow up is you." Hermione exclaimed. Heads snapped towards the commotion. "What happened to you defending her to us every time we said something bad? She's a nice person so stop being so difficult!"

"Thank you, Hermione." Ayla said. The girl smiled.

"You're welcome." She replied. Everyone's eyes were still on them.

"How about you all mind your fucking business?!" Ayla yelled out loud to the entire hall. Everyone were quick to get back to what they were doing before. "Thank you."

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