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When the two arrived to Hogsmeade, Mattheo wrapped his arm around Ayla's shoulders and looked down at the girl.

"We are gonna have fun and take your mind off whatever happened at school. Okay?" He said. She smiled.

B: Awww

J: Harry's better

M: James, shut up!!

"Whatever you say, Riddle." She replied. They walked over to Honeydukes and entered the store. Ayla saw Neville Longbottom and walked over to him. "Hey, Neville."

"H-hi Ayla." He stuttered looking at the Riddle boy. She saw he looked nervous.

"This is Mattheo."

"Longbottom." Mattheo said. Neville gulped not daring to look at the boy.

"H-hi. I think I might go. Dean and Seamus are looking for me." He said anxiously.

"No problem. I'll see you later then." She said. He nodded quickly rushing away as fast as he could.

"I think he's scared of me." Mattheo said smirking.

"Leave him alone. Neville's scared of every single Slytherin other than me and Viola. He's sensitive." Ayla said looking at all the sweets surrounding her. She grabbed a small blue lollipop and a packets which held many different gummy lollies. There were snakes, worms, spiders and dolphins. She walked towards the counter and went to pay for her stuff. One galleon and ten sickles. She grabbed the coins out her pocket until Mattheo grabbed her hand and paid for the stuff instead. She stood there, confused. He handed her the sweets and they left.

L: What a gentleman

J: Harry's richer

M: James, seriously. If you don't shut the fuck up about Harry, I will beat you.

B: I agree with Marlene.

J: i'm just saying

"You didn't have to do that, you know?" She said.

"I know."

"Then, why'd you do it?"

"I felt like it."

"Where are we going?"

"The Three Broomsticks. Want a butterbeer?" He asked.

"Sure. As long as I pay for it this time." He shook his head.

"Not gonna happen. I brought you on this date so I'm gonna spoil you." She frowned. "Whether you like it or not, Black."

D: Date?

J: Sirius would not be happy

B: No shit, Sherlock.

"You are so difficult, you know that."

"Ah but you love the challenge." She rolled her eyes and followed the boy into The Three Broomsticks. They went to the bar and asked a two butterbeers. The pub-owner looked at the girl and recognised her features.

"Oh my Merlin. I recognise those eyes anywhere. Your Brooke Meadows daughter?" She asked.

"You knew my mum?" Ayla asked. The pub-owner nodded.

"Name's Rosmerta." She introduced putting her hand out to the girl.

"Ayla." She said shaking her hand. "This is Mattheo." Then the lady shook his hand.

"You know, your mother used to come here all the time with that troublemaker, Sirius Black. You two remind me an awful lot like them." Ayla looked at Mattheo who smirked.

"We're not a thing." She said diffusing the awkward tension.

"Exactly what your mother said the first time I spotted Sirius in here with her. That's quite a shame. You two look great together."

"Oh, I wish but I'm not necessarily her type, you see. She goes for more nicer guys. Hufflepuffs, Gryffindors. Right, Ayla?" Mattheo smiled at the girl who was flowing with rage. But she was smart. She's not letting him win.

M: oh shit.

J: That is right, Ayla

"Slightly true." She said making Mattheo frown slightly. "Mattheo's not one to talk. I say he doesn't have a type. Any shiny, pretty thing he sees and likes, he'd get and there's a lot of pretty little things at Hogwarts." She said smiling at the boy innocently. He held the eye contact for quite a while.

D: D-did she just call him a hoe in the most subtle way possible?

B: damnnn.

"I love the shade. You two future lovebirds, find a table and I'll bring the butterbeers out in a sec." Rosmerta said. Ayla paid her the two drinks and went to a table near the fireplace. Mattheo following closely behind. Mattheo stared at the girl, confused and intrigued. This girl was going to be hard to break.

"Take a picture, Riddle. It'll last longer." She said. Mattheo snapped out of his trance and cleared his throat.

"Well, you really are feisty. Maybe I should listen to Draco more." he said.

"Draco said that?" She questioned.

"Yep. Kinda told the entire Slytherin quidditch team to stay away from you. Said you're a handful, check. A bitch, check. Feisty, check. And said you have an amazing body which is questioning for your cousin to say that but will i be able to check that off his list too?"

"In your dreams, Riddle."

"You already are, Black. You already are." She scoffed then laughed.

"You're weird."

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