The 'date'

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Ayla focused on her studies for the past two weeks and only had time for Pansy and Vi. She tried to block out the thoughts of Mattheo and her argument with her godfather and her father's innocence. She was so stressed as it is that Snape only made it worse. She was studying on her bed when Mattheo walked into her room and sat at the end of her bed. She didn't even notice the boy until he cleared his throat. She looked up, confused.

"Hmm? What?" She said.

"You're studying?" He asked. She nodded. "Why?"

"Because I can. Why do you care?"

"Ayla, for the last two weeks you have been either studying in the library, in your room, the common room wherever in the castle you can find peace and quiet-"

"Have you been stalking me?" She asked.

"No. Just observing the sights." She rose her eyebrow at the boy's choice of words. "I think you need a break from all this studying and should come with me to Hogsmeade."

"Give me one good reason."

"You deserve a break and I'm great company." He smirked.

"That was two."

"even better." She sighed.

"Sure. I'll go with you." His eyes widen at her answer.


"What's the worst that could happen?" She smiled.

"Be ready in 10 and we can go. Meet me in the common room. Got it?"

"Yeah. Sounds like a plan."

J: More like a date.

B: Really, James, really?

J: Yeah really. He totally asked her out.

B: That was sarcasm, dipshit

Ayla put on a long light-grey t-shirt that hugged her body and some jeans with ugg boots. She put on mascara and some lipgloss. She grabbed a sage green puffer jacket with fur on the edge of the hoodie. She folded her jacket and hung it on her arm and was about to leave until her friends held her up.

"Where do you think you're going?" Viola asked at the door. Ayla sighed.

"I'm going to Hogsmeade," Her friends eyes widen and motioned for her to give more detail. "With Mattheo."

"WHAT!?!" They shrieked.

"You need to tell us everything!" Pansy yelled.

"When you get back from your date of course." Viola said finishing Pansy's sentence.

"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. I'm sorry to disappoint you, it's not a date." Ayla said to her two friends. They both frowned as she moved them out the way so she could leave. "Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna be late."

She walked down the corridor as Pansy and Viola yelled from their dorm, "HAVE FUN ON YOUR DATE!!!" Little did those girls know, Mattheo, Enzo, Blaise and Draco heard them from the common room.

"A date huh?" Enzo teased. Mattheo rolled her eyes.

"It's not a date." He replied.

"By Viola and Pansy's big mouths, it sounds like a date." Blaise said. Draco rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"What, Malfoy?" Mattheo asked about Draco's attitude.

"You know, she's never gonna date you, right?" He said. Mattheo rolled his eyes. Blaise's hand palmed his face. Enzo pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"It's not a date. It's a distraction for her."

"Distraction?" Ayla's cousin questioned.

"She's been studying for the last two weeks. She needs a break." He said.

"Since when do you care about Ayla?"

"Why are so curious?" The two boys stood inches apart from each other. Mattheo slightly looking down at the blonde. Ayla quickly rushed to the boys and pushed them away from each other.

"Settle down. There's no need for this." Her hand sat on Mattheo chest and the other pointed at Draco. She looked at her cousin. "Draco, it's not a date if you're wondering."

"Whatever. Go have fun. Hope your father shows up and kidnaps you." He said. Ayla's jaw dropped and eyes widen. Blaise clenched his jaw and his fists knowing Ayla hated talking about her dad and Draco, her cousin, to say something like that to her. It made his blood boil. Enzo looked at Mattheo to see what the boy would do. Mattheo stepped towards Draco only for Ayla to push him back.

M: Hit him.

"Don't. He's not worth it. Let's go." She said glaring at her so called cousin. She grabbed Mattheo's hand dragging him out the common room before he did anything. They made it down to the carriages and Ayla was silent.

"You okay?" He asked. She nodded. "You don't have to lie to me, you know."

L: He really cares about her

B: Awww

"I'm fine, Mattheo." She said putting up a fake smile.

"And you're lying."

"It doesn't matter. I thought this was a distraction from everything." 

"And it is. But I wanna know, are you okay?"

"You're just gonna keep asking aren't you?" He smiled.

"Yep. Until I get an honest answer."

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