dang it

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"Oi! Who's hot?" Draco yelled at his cousin. Ayla looked at her two friends then at Balise who was giggling at Draco's seriousness. She had to look at the ground to stop herself from laughing with Blaise but Draco and Mattheo saw her struggling to take him seriously.

"Ayla, he asked you something," Mattheo said. She looked at Mattheo and smirked.

"Does it matter?" She asked.

"Of course it fucking matters!!" Draco and Mattheo yelled.

"Why though?"

"Ayla, stop trying to test us!" Mattheo yelled.

"I'm not. I'm merely asking a question. Why does it matter that I called someone hot?"

"She's clearly talking about Cedric Diggory," Tom said. "Isn't that right, Ayla?"

"How did he-" Vi whispered.

"Wait Vi, you said he was hot too?" Enzo asked.

"Oooh. Shit." Ayla and Pansy muttered yet everyone heard.

"I never did, they said it!" Viola exclaimed.

"Technically, Ayla did. I just agreed." Pansy said.

"Bitch!" Ayla said to Pansy. "Why would you?"

"Cedric Diggory?" They all asked.

"Nah, Eazy E dumbass!"  They weren't amused by her sarcasm.

"Respect!" Blaise said hitting his chest twice then pointing at Ayla. Ayla did the gesture back.

"Who the fuck is Eazy E?" Enzo asked. Ayla's jaw dropped. She and Blaise were offended.

"Dude, you need culture," Ayla said.

"Yeah, Lorenzo! How do you not know who Eazy E is?" Blaise said.

"Wait, I'm confused, who's Eazy E?" Pansy asked.

"Thank you, Pans. I'm confused too."

"The Godfather of Rap, bro," Blaise said.

"Muggle musician. He's fucking incredible." Ayla said.

"Muggle?!?!" Draco exclaimed. "Since when do you listen to muggle music?!"

"Since forever. I grew up on rap and r&b. Muggle or not."

"Are you crazy!? You can't be associated with muggles!!"

"Why not?"

"Because Ayla, you can't."

"They're Muggles, they aren't pure!" Tom yelled.

"And you are." Enzo's face turned shocked. Blaise, Pansy and Viola were dying of laughter. Tom was too stunned to speak. Mattheo smiled knowing his brother finally got put in his place. Draco's jaw dropped. 

"Fuck you, you little slut!"

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