Hello Brother

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"Tom." Mattheo stood there in shock.

"She's pretty. What's her name?" Tom asked with a big smirk.

"None of your business. What are you doing here?" Mattheo defensive side was coming out to his brother. Tom looked at him and smiled.

"I'm here to make sure you stay out of trouble, little brother." Mattheo saw through his fake smile and the evil smirk behind it.

"What do you really want?" He asked again.

"How about you answer my questions first?" Tom requested.

"What do you want to know?"

"What's the pretty girl's name?" Mattheo acted like he didn't know who he was talking about. "The girl who kissed you just then."

"Why do you want to know?"

"Why are so protective over her?" Mattheo paused for a second and began to realize he was being protective. "You like her, don't you?"

"No!" He denied. "Why would I like someone like her? All she does is be a fucking bitch to me all the time so why would I?"

J: Harry could treat her a lot better than this asshole

M: I know right

"Oh shit." Someone muttered from behind him. He slowly turned around to see Pansy, Viola and Ayla. He stared at her and froze.

M: ......what the fuck

J: no fucking way

D: Poor Ayla.

L: Have a fun time explaining that

"Well, this is awkward," Tom said. He got off the couch and pat his little brother on the shoulder. "Let me introduce myself, I'm Tom Riddle. You lovely ladies are..."

"I'm Pansy Parkinson, this is Viola Snape and-"

"You must be Ayla Black." He said when she was about to introduce Ayla.

"Tom-" Mattheo warned.

"My brother has told so much about you."

"By the sounds of it, not good stuff huh?" Ayla said with pettiness in her voice. Tom laughed and pat his brother on the back again.

 "She's funny."

"Ayla, I can explain," Mattheo said walking towards Ayla.

"What's there to explain? I'm nothing but the daughter of a homicidal maniac who happens to be a 'fucking bitch' to everyone around her. Hmm, does that sound right?"

D: I just wanna give her a hug

L: I know that's so sad that people actually think this

J: Sirius would be pissed

M: Ok! The fact that people think this about her is fucking wrong! They realize she's Sirius's daughter and just judges her off her dad like you know what, FUCK THEM ALL!!! My poor goddaughter

D: Okay, love, calm down

"No. I didn't mean it like that."

"Whatever. I don't care." Ayla took her friends to their dorm and left Mattheo stranded with his brother and his regrettable words. Tom sighed.

"You really screwed up." He said. Mattheo stormed out of the common room leaving his brother alone. Tom laughed. "I won't fail you, dad, unlike him."

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