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Ayla woke up in her new room. In her new house. With her dad. Starting a new chapter in her life. Her window was left open for Regulus to fly in and out throughout the night where he would return with either letters or random objects he found. Ayla walked downstairs where her dad was sitting at the dining table, reading the Daily Prophet with a cup of coffee.

"Morning, pup." He said not taking an eye of the paper in front of him.

"Morning." Ayla said reaching into the pantry to grab the cereal box at the top of the shelves. She put the box on the counter and grabbed a bowl out of the cupboards. She looked over to her dad as he sat there scanning the paper. She went to the fridge and grabbed out the milk. She poured her cereal into the bowl and then the milk. She grabbed a spoon out the drawer and began eating her cereal. "You know, you kinda suit the whole father act. I mean sitting at the kitchen table, with a cup of coffee and reading the paper. Absolutely nailed it." She consumed another spoonful before giving her dad a thumbs up. Sirius chuckled and continued reading the paper.

B: She's not wrong.

J: He looks so Sirius. Ha, get it

M: James, shut up.

"The Weasleys wanted to know if we wanted to attend the Quidditch Cup." He asked. Ayla nodded. "I wanted to check in with you first but do you want to go?"

"I don't see why not. Draco told me he and his dad are attending so I get to annoy my dear cousin." She said.

"Great! Finish your breakfast and start packing. We have to leave early tomorrow so please don't stay up too late tonight." Sirius said with a big smile. He put the Prophet on the table and went upstairs to go pack.

"Dad, you do have all day to pack!" Ayla reminded him.

"It's the Quidditch Cup!! I need outfits, dear child." He yelled. Ayla rolled her eyes, smiling.

"Dramatic much?" Ayla muttered to herself continuing to eat her breakfast.


Ayla woke up to her father flicking on her light, making her blinded by the light. She groaned and covered her face with her bed covers. He grabbed the covers and flicked them off her.

"Rise and shine, pup." He exclaimed. She grabbed a pillow over and head and tried to sleep. "Ayla Estelle Black. It's the Quidditch Cup!! We are not being late. So, get off your arse and get ready!!" He left the room and slammed the door as he left.

"Fuck off." she muttered. She grabbed her covers from the floor and went back to sleep.

"I heard that!" Her father yelled. She groaned and laid back down.


Ayla laid on the couch as she and her father waited for the Weasley's to hurry up. The twins were up. Hermione walked through the door and glared at Ayla. Ayla rolled her eyes at her and closed her eyes. Ginny walked downstairs rubbing her eyes.

"Harry and Ron aren't awake yet." She said.

"I'll go wake them up." Hermione offered. "I don't really want to be in the same room as her."

M: What the fuck is her problem?

B: Literally.

"You could've left that last bit out because that made you sound like a down-right bitch." Ayla said. "Which you are." 

"My money's on Granger." Fred whispered to his brother.

"Oh, you're on." George agreed.

"Says the slytherin." She muttered walking up the stairs.

"Oh, the bitchy slytherin stereotype. Charming." Ayla muttered but Hermione heard her anyways. She sighed before closing her eyes again. She felt someone's head on her arm and she looked to see George sitting on the floor with his head resting on the edge of the couch. "Weasley."

"Ayla. What is Hermione's problem?" He asked. Ayla shrugged then yawns.

"Who knows? Go ask her." George laughed. "Something funny?"

"Well, I am laughing." Ayla rolled her eyes and scoffed. The Weasley Twin smirked then looked at the girl. "In my opinion, if it matters, she's jealous of you."

"I have done nothing to provoke her or challenge her so she's got issues, alright." George laughed.

"Issues? I'm the one with issues!?" Granger exclaimed at the bottom of the stairs. George smirked.

J: Oh he planned that.

M: Bravo! Bravo! He's my new favourite.

B: He wants a showdown between Granger and Ayla.

J: Money's on Ayla for sure.

"I hate you, George." Ayla whispered. He smirked.

"Cat got your tongue?" Granger exclaimed. Ayla smiled.

"Not at all. You have issues. What have I done to you?" Ayla asked. Hermione remanded silent. "Nothing. Exactly. Yet, you refuse to be nice to me, as I've tried to be with you, and you be a petty little bitch for no goddamn reason."


"No. No. Don't act like that! See, that is what I mean! I have done nothing but lay here all morning. The moment you arrive, you side-eye me and say unnecessary comments. That is your issue. And don't even lie to say that's not true." Sirius smirked at his daughter. George looked at his brother who looked disappointed by Hermione who was quiet and stared at the ground. Fred raised his middle finger to his brother.

"Mum, Fred pointed the rude finger at me!" He yelled. 

"No! He's lying." The other twin replied.

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