Professor Moody

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Ayla sat with Viola as Professor Moody started to teach the class. She noticed his glass eye looking between her and Harry as everyone began to sit down.

"Alastor Moody. Ex Auror. Ministry malcontent and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I am here because Dumbledore asked me to. End of story. Goodbye. The end." He introduced. Ayla watched as his eye fixated onto her a while then he licked the end of his mouth. She frowned. "Any questions?"

D: Barty?

M: what?

D: nothing

"He seems a little weird." Viola whispered to Ayla. She nodded in response. When no one answered his previous question he went on with teaching the class.

"When it come to the dark arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, which of you could tell me how many unforgivable curses are there?" He asked. Ayla looked to Mattheo who sat to the desk beside her. He looked at her and mouthed 'Relax.' She nodded.

D: Awww.

L: That's too cute.

"Three sir." Granger called out.

"That is?"

"Because they are unforgivable. Any use of one of those spells are a-"

"One way ticket to Azkaban." The professor cut her off and finished explaining. "Not a great place to be. Your father would know all about that, wouldn't he Black? Being falsely accused would've been terrible. Especially with his daughter being bounced around from home to home."

B: I don't like this guy

M: me and you both.

"Excuse me?" Ayla asked.

"I know a lot more about you than you think. Your mother was a great woman. She truly was. Pity what happened to her." Ayla frowned at all this personal talk. "Your aunt too."

"Professor if you wanted to talk about my family, I don't think your classroom would be the best place. Especially in the middle of a class." He raised his eyebrow at Ayla's attitude in her response.

"I suppose you're right. The ministry says you're too young to know what these curses do. I SAY DIFFERENT!!" Moody screamed. "You need to know what your up against! You need to be prepared! You need to find another place to place your chewing gum instead of the underside of your desk, Mr Finnigan!!" Ayla looked over to see Seamus leaning with his gum in his hands. She laughed as she looked at Seamus back to the professor.

"The old codger can see through the back of his head." Seamus said.

"AND HEAR ACROSS CLASSROOMS!!" The professor yelled as he threw a piece of chalk in Seamus direction but missed. Ayla saw Draco look behind to her and they smirked.  "Weasley!" Ron flinched at the outburst. "Give us a curse."

"My dad did tell me about one. The Imperious Curse." He said.

"Oh your father would know all about that one, wouldn't he? Gave the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years back." Ayla looked at Mattheo who looked distraught with this lesson. "Perhaps this will show you why."

"I don't like this, Ayla." Viola whispered.

"Neither." Ayla knew what curse would be next. She wasn't looking forward to it. They watched as the professor grabbed an insect and enlarged it.

"Imperio!" Moody casted. He starts flying the big around the classroom. Ayla laughed as it landed on Crabbe's face then on Ron's head. "What are you laughing at?" Then it flew to Draco's face. Ayla looked at Vi and laughed so hard.

"Ayla. Help me." Her cousin begged. She only laughed harder.

"Talented, isn't she? What shall I make her do next? Jump out the window? Drown herself?" Then he flew the big back into his hand. "Scores of witches and wizards claimed to do You-Know-Who's bidding under the Imperious Curse. But here's the rub, how do we sort out the liars?"

M: Trip down Trauma lane. Yay! Fucking hate this professor.

L: I genuinely liked Moody but now he's a pain in the ass

D: that's because it's not Moody.

J: what do you mean?

D: Its Barty Crouch

M: How do you know?

D: I think I'd know one of my best friends if I saw him.

"Miss Black. Mr Longbottom. Join me at the front of the classroom, please." Ayla looked at Mattheo.

"Be strong. It's okay." He said.

"Mattheo. I can't." She whispered. She shook her head as she walked to the front of the class. She grabbed Neville's arm as Moody motioned them to walk to him. "I'll do the talking, alright?"

"Thank you." He said. Ayla just nodded. She walked towards the professor as she placed Neville behind her.

"Protecting your friends. Just like your mother." The professor whispered to her. "Give us the name of the curse, Miss Black."

"The Cruciatus Curse." She said.

"Good. Good." He grabbed her arm and pulled her closer. "Now watch carefully. Crucio!" The bug wriggled and twitched. It squealed in pain. Neville looked away as Ayla stayed staring as the only thing she could think about was her mother. Her body tensed as the memory of the pain courses through every muscle in her body. A tear sat in her eye waiting to fall.

B: my baby

D: Barty you prick

M: How were you friends with him again?

"STOP IT!!" Hermione yelled. "Can't you see it bothering them! Stop it!!"

"Oi! She fucking said stop!!" Mattheo screamed as he pushed past the professor and barged straight to Ayla. Her eyes were glued to the insect. Mattheo moved her face to face him. The tear dropped as looked at him. He wiped it away and walked her back to her seat. With Ayla under his arm, he grabbed both their stuff and walked out the class. No one questioning anything.

"I want my dad." Ayla said as they exited the class. Mattheo nodded and took her to his room.

J: Awww

M: Is James officially a Mayla shipper!?

J: No. It's cute how Ayla wanted Sirius

D: it is isn't it?

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