A crush?

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Ayla and Mattheo arrived back at Hogwarts. They entered the school and Ayla saw Harry talking to the Weasley twins. She grew with suspicion. Hermione and Ron entered the scene a few moments later. Mattheo looked over to where she was staring and rolled his eyes. George Weasley and Harry Potter. The two Gryffindor boys that couldn't seem to get the hint Ayla was Mattheo's. Despite the girl not even knowing it, everyone else did. Everyone saw how protective he'd get. How he threatened the entire quidditch team to stay away from her. How he would subtly stare at her in class and admire every feature. He rolled his eyes.

"Wait here, I need to just check something." Ayla said to the clearly jealous boy. She went to walk towards the group of Gryffindors before Mattheo grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. "What the fuck are you doing, Mattheo? Let go."

"I don't trust them. If you're going over there without me, you're wrong." He said. The girl sighed. His grip loosened.

"They aren't going to hurt me. There's no need to worry." She cupped his cheek. "If anything does happen, which it won't, you'll be here to step in and be my knight in shining armour."

J: Padfoot, buddy. Where are you, mate? I think our girl has a crush.

B: Leave her alone, James

L: Exactly. She's growing up. Leave her be.

Mattheo bit the inside of his cheek and sighed. "Fine. But if Potter or Weasley lay a fucking hand on you, I may go psycho, love." Did he just call me love? Ayla thought.

"Keep up with this behaviour, Riddle. I might just think you have a crush on me." She said playfully. He smirked.

"What I told you, I do?" He asked. The girl looked speechless and smiled.

"I'd say, you are...out of your mind. My dad would kill you."

"Then my dad would do the same." Ayla frowned. "What? It's the point of being Hogwarts most dangerous couple."

"We are not a couple."

"Not yet."

"You're distracting me."

"I'm just too dashingly handsome. That you can't resist me."

"No, I mean you're wasting my time because Harry is about to leave now excuse me." She shoved past the Riddle boy who stood where he was as he watched the girl walk over to the gryffindors. "Hey, Harry. I haven't seen you in forever. Are you okay?" She asked as she saw the boy was crying. He looked at her angrily. Without another thought, Harry pinned her against the wall with his wand at her neck. "What the fuck, Potter!"

"You! Your father! You're both psychos!!" Harry yelled. Ayla looked at the boy confused.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!"

"Oh please, Black. You know exactly what he means." Granger said.

"No, quite frankly, I don't. Wanna elaborate?" She asked.

"Our dads were friends! He betrayed my parents! He sold them out to Voldemort! HE'S THE REASON THEY'RE DEAD!!!" Mattheo rushed over and pushed the angry boy to the ground.

"Touch her again, Potter, I might as well finish what my dad started!" Mattheo warned. He turned to look at the girl. "are you okay?" She nodded and gulped.

"Fuck up, Riddle. Your name's worser than hers." Potter said as Ron helped him off the ground. Ayla scoffed and walked over to Harry. 

"Oi!" She pushed him back making him stumble over his own feet. "You can be angry with our parents but THERE'S NO FUCKING REASON FOR YOU TO TAKE IT OUT ON US!! My dad didn't do anything and I don't give a shit about what you say. Call me psycho, murderer, crazy whatever the fuck you feel like. I don't care anymore. But know this Potter, when you find out the truth, don't apologise. Don't ask to talk. Actually, just stay the fuck away from me. I know you're jut angry but you need to get a goddamn grip on yourself. Let's go, Mattheo." She said walking away from the golden trio. He glared at the three and left to catch up with the girl a few feet in front of him.

"PSYCHOS!!!" Ronald Weasley yelled from behind them. Ayla put her middle finger in the air making Mattheo laugh. His smirk didn't leave knowing Harry Potter wasn't going to be a problem to him and Ayla anymore.

"What's that smirk for?" Ayla questioned. He looked down at the girl and smiled.

"Nothing, love." The two continued walking back to the Slytherin common room. Ayla looked at the ground to make sure Mattheo couldn't see her cheeks slightly blushing. He called me love again, she thought.

Mattheo Riddle, what are you doing to me?

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