The Dog

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Ayla, Draco, Mattheo, Enzo and Narcissa stood outside 12 Grimmauld Place underneath grey clouds. The boys feeling troublesome. Narcissa smiling and Ayla annoyed.

"I can't believe you dragged me out here," Ayla exclaimed. Narcissa patted her head and walked inside the house.

"You need to see your grandma, cuz." Draco said following his mother.

"I'd rather not."

"It can't be all that bad, can it?" Enzo exclaimed before walking into the house. Ayla sighed. Mattheo nudged her arm and signalled inside. 

"You going inside?" He asked. She shook her head so he walked towards the house but stopped at the porch. A dog walked towards Ayla and barked at her. Ayla looked down and saw the dog. She kneeled down and pat the dog. It licked her face and she giggled. Mattheo remained on the porch and admired her. Now's he wishing he did kiss her but he barely knows her. Not like that'll stop him. "Ayla!! Your aunt wants you inside."

"I don't wanna go inside. I wanna stay with the dog." He walked towards her and was about to grab onto her arm but the dog growled so he backed up.

"He's a stray, Ayla. He probably has fleas and rabies or something. Plus, it's cold out here and looks like it's gonna rain. You'd be better if you walked inside."

"It's misery in that house. I can handle a little rain." He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the porch but the dog got in his way and barked at him aggressively.

"Can you control this dog, please?" Mattheo said walking behind Ayla.

"Do I look like his owner? I thought you said he was a stray." Ayla said smirking.

"Well, it likes you." She rolled her eyes and bobbed down to the dog's height. She scratched the top of his head.

"Be nice and wait out here, okay?" She whispered. The dog walked off the property and waited across the street. "See, it's not that hard." Looking up at the Riddle boy.

"You know I like the positioning." He said, smirking. Ayla scoffed and got off her knees and walked into the house. Mattheo following closely behind.

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