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Ayla and Mattheo walked into the house to see Narcissa sitting down with an elderly woman. The lady looked at Ayla and smiled.

"Ayla!! My beautiful granddaughter." The lady squealed. Ayla had a sour look on her face as her grandmother squeezed her tightly. She looked at Mattheo for help but he smiled and shook his head.

"Grandma Walburga. Lovely to see you." She muttered without a hint of excitement.

"Ugh, you're so gorgeous. How are you Sirius's daughter? You're too beautiful to be his child. And who's this dashing young man?" Walburga asked nudging her granddaughter's arm.

"He can introduce himself," Ayla said. They all watched the girl as she left the room. Narcissa rolled her eyes and palmed her face.

"Mattheo. Mattheo Riddle." He introduced. Walburga's face lit up.

"As in the-" Walburga said before Ayla interrupted,

"As in You-Know-Who. Yes, we get it." They all looked as the girl returned with a cupcake in her hand. She leaned against the doorframe watching as her grandmother was intrigued by Mattheo. She started fangirling his father. Ayla rolled her eyes. Enzo walked over to the annoyed girl and stood next to her.

"What's up your ass today? Jealous, your grandma is paying more attention the Mattheo than you?" He asked. She looked at the boy unimpressed. 

"I don't want to be here. This place is depression and misery combined." He snickered at the girl remark. "No, I'm serious. I used to live here when I was eleven. Hated it."

"Mistress Ayla!!" They heard a grumpy voice yell. She turned her head to see a familiar house elf and slightly smiled. He ran down the stairs and hugged her leg.

"Hello Kreacher," She said patting his head.

"KREACHER!!! LEAVE THAT POOR GIRL ALONE AND GET BACK TO WORK!!!" Her grandmother yelled making everyone but Ayla in the room flinch.

"Let him be. He's happy to see me, grandma." She argued back.

"He has work to do, Ayla Estelle."

"Well, that work can wait. How long has it been since I've been here? Months. The only reason I come back here is for Kreacher. Not you." Her grandmother looked shocked. "And just Ayla's fine." She left the room and walked upstairs. The house elf followed her. She walked the corridors and checked out every room in the house. 

One room intrigued her mind. She opened the door and saw a neatly made bed. Clothes in every corner of the room. A rusted mirror. Posters of muggle bands. A broomstick laid on the floor. A red and gold quidditch jersey with the name BLACK on the back. She traced her fingers on the letters and slightly smiled. She recognised whose jersey it was because she saw it in a picture her mother showed her. It belonged to her father. She was in her father's childhood bedroom. She looked around the room and saw a back leather jacket. She picked it up and dusted it off. It was in a rather good shape. She walked over to the mirror and put it on. It was a bit big but that wasn't gonna keep her from wearing it. Sure the sleeves were a bit long, she still looked amazing.

"You remind me just of your father." A voice said from outside the room. She looked over and saw her grandmother. "It pains me sometimes. I don't want to hurt you, Ayla. I want to protect you. You're my only grandkid. I treasure you."

"Thanks, grandma."

"You can have that."


"The jacket. You can keep it. It looks better on you than it does dusty on the floor. You suit it more than your father did." Ayla smiled and hugged her grandmother. Walburga had a huge smile on her face and hugged her granddaughter back.

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